
April 2021 Monthly Horoscope

April 2021 Monthly Horoscope

The month of April will be a powerful, transformative, and propelling month of highs and lows for all Zodiac signs. Not only are we now officially in the warm and...

April 2021 Monthly Horoscope

The month of April will be a powerful, transformative, and propelling month of highs and lows for all Zodiac signs. Not only are we now officially in the warm and...

7 Beauty and Health Tips for Spring

7 Beauty and Health Tips for Spring

As the world wakes this springtime, everything in it goes into the process of regenerating. The plants start to flower, trees begin to grow their leaves, more pollen grains are...


7 Beauty and Health Tips for Spring

As the world wakes this springtime, everything in it goes into the process of regenerating. The plants start to flower, trees begin to grow their leaves, more pollen grains are...

8 Bedtime Rituals for a Better Sleep

8 Bedtime Rituals for a Better Sleep

You seemingly know these feelings very well - weariness, the urge to not get out of your PJs, the feeling of β€œno amount of makeup can conceal my tired face”...


8 Bedtime Rituals for a Better Sleep

You seemingly know these feelings very well - weariness, the urge to not get out of your PJs, the feeling of β€œno amount of makeup can conceal my tired face”...

Ostara: The Festival of Rebirth and New Beginnings

Ostara: The Festival of Rebirth and New Beginnings

Ah, lovely Ostara! The festival that inspired the Christian Easter is a time for breathing fresh air, welcoming new buds and animals and focusing on our own goals and spiritual...


Ostara: The Festival of Rebirth and New Beginnings

Ah, lovely Ostara! The festival that inspired the Christian Easter is a time for breathing fresh air, welcoming new buds and animals and focusing on our own goals and spiritual...

March 2021 Monthly Horoscope

March 2021 Monthly Horoscope

The month of March will be a fiery, passionate month of turmoil, transformation, and change for all Zodiac signs. As we begin our powerful transition out of the emotional energy...

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March 2021 Monthly Horoscope

The month of March will be a fiery, passionate month of turmoil, transformation, and change for all Zodiac signs. As we begin our powerful transition out of the emotional energy...

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Coming out of the broom closet.

Coming out of the broom closet.

Let’s be real; not everyone can be open about witchcraft. Whether it’s due to living with a religious family or just not being entirely comfortable with sharing your practice, we...


Coming out of the broom closet.

Let’s be real; not everyone can be open about witchcraft. Whether it’s due to living with a religious family or just not being entirely comfortable with sharing your practice, we...