The month of April will be a powerful, transformative, and propelling month of highs and lows for all Zodiac signs. Not only are we now officially in the warm and opportunistic energy of spring, but we are also influenced by the sign of the impulsive and confident Aries, inspiring us to act on all our new ideas this month. Now is the time of celebration as we start planting seeds of change, preparing for the warmer months of summer to manifest them into fruition. However, even as our minds are spiraling forward on our hopes and dreams, thanks to Pluto, the planet of rebirth, we may also feel weighed down by the problems of the past this month. This will stir up feelings of uncertainty as we are asked to release bad habits to make way for new opportunities. While this transformation may make things a bit rough, it is necessary in order to reach our full potential. But don't worry, it won't all be bumping waters, as we will end the month on a good note as Venus, the planet of love, enters Taurus mid-month, giving us time to slow down and have a little fun.
With so much going on energetically this month, it can be hard to predict what's in store for each sign. So for today, we're going to touch on a little bit of what energies and changes each Zodiac sign can expect to feel throughout the powerful month of April and how your individual sign can truly make the most of it.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Starting with you, mighty Aries, it's your birthday season, and you are shining like a star! On the 3rd of the month, Mercury will join the Sun and Venus in your sign, getting you up and moving faster than ever. Last month, you were advised to slow down and just do you, but with the forward movement of spring, your mind is now buzzing with new ideas, and you are very eager to share them with everyone around you.
On the career front, collaborations will be a fruitful part of the month, and new ideas for business advances will be spiraling on your mind. You have all the energy on your side to make a positive business move right now, so don't be afraid to speak your mind.
Romantically, you may see someone you've known for a long time in a new light this month, and the need to act on it can be tempting. However, you are encouraged to work through your own internal struggles before you act, as this will make for a better connection in the future.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
For the Taurus, there are many changes ahead for you in April 2021, and you are strongly encouraged to follow and trust your intuition. Let's be real; the influence of mars this month is making your life a little hectic right now, and you are feeling more stressed out than usual. You might consider taking a mini getaway for yourself this month, as the mental wear and tear for the next few weeks will be heavy. Even just visiting family or friends, virtually or safely in person, would be a good idea. This will help to soothe your mind and calm your spirit for an easier month overall.
On the career front, big opportunities will arise for you near the end of the month, as the Sun will move into your sign on the 19th. This will bring about new business opportunities that will have you feeling more enthusiastic than ever. You may even come into a large sum of money at the end of the month if you play your cards right.
Romantically, Venus, the planet of love, will manifest as a flurry of increased intimacy with your current partner this month around the 14th. You are encouraged to prioritize this union and put in the effort to truly make it memorable.
Overall, you'll be feeling the full effects of the planetary shifts this month, taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Hold on tight, Taurus, your time to shine is just around the corner. Be patient.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):
For the Gemini, Mars, the ruler of confidence, is coasting through your sign this month and will have you entering April feeling like a god. And with such a high level of confidence right now, you are being encouraged to socialize as much as you can right now, as opportunities seem to truly be at every turn.
Professionally, you will be inspired to be more forward with your boss and to make deals with people higher up in businesses than you. This can go extremely well in your favor, just don't get cocky. There are many people around you that will be jealous of your forward advances in the career place and take that as a sign to bring you down. Stay true to who you are, Gemini, and avoid confrontation the best you can.
Aside from your career, you may meet someone this month that will have you a little out of words. This may be someone new or someone from your past that you had long forgotten about. Either way, take it slow with this person, as this could be a very valuable relationship to you in the near future if you remain calm and collected.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):
For you, Cancer, April brings a plethora of growth. This month, you will be guided towards the thing that you love most: family. This is a great time to reconnect with loved ones, safely in person or virtually, and just take the time to reconnect to your roots if you wish to remain balanced. And luckily, there will be many opportunities for you to do that this month.
On a professional level, the new moon on the 11th will have you questioning the work you're doing, and you may find you have a new goal with your career. Just remember to follow your heart, and if you're ready for a change, the universe is definitely backing it.
Aside from your career and family life, you may have difficulty finding your motivation towards the end of the month. You have a negative habit of working yourself too hard, which can lead you to burn out. Therefore, you are strongly advised to make sure you make time to rest and take care of yourself this month; otherwise, you will truly work yourself until you are ill.

Leo (July 23 - August 22):
For the mighty lion, his month is bringing with it the opportunity to learn and to grow in yourself. You've been working hard these last few months, but things may not be paying off as you hoped. However, the problem may have common ground with the personal struggles you've been refusing to overcome. However, a little downtime and reflection can help to give you a whole new perspective on how to fix that this month.
The 19th will see Mercury moving and the Sun swooping in to supercharge your career for the next month, and you are likely to see large advancement professionally thanks to this. With the high vibes and inspiration from these positive opportunities, now is also an excellent time to start thinking about your future, professionally and personally, and to start putting money aside to save for it.
On the other hand, the new moon in Scorpio on the 12th may leave you feeling irritable and snappy, especially in relationships. Therefore, a spa day or a day at the beach is strongly encouraged, as you're definitely going to need some 'you' time this month in order to remain sane.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22):
For the Virgo, this month, all the energy is pointing towards something big for you. Whether it be romantically or career-wise, you have some new opportunities coming, and it's time to get ready for them.
On the romantic front, you may feel a little disconnected from your partner this month. Is it the lack of time or some underlying issue? Whatever it may be, you are advised to set aside some time just for you two and reconnect if you want things to get back to normal. If you are single, relationships may not be in your cards right now, but something new could be arising next month.
Toward the end of April, you could also find yourself having a sudden outburst, specifically about something that occurred during the new moon in Aries. Keep your cool, and take this time to reflect on your energy instead of projecting it. If you do, everything should be just fine.

Libra (September 23 - October 22):
For the Libra, with the Sun in Aries, this is a powerful month of perseverance for you. You are feeling extremely enthusiastic on the career front and are excited to meet and connect with just about everybody. This is good, as this could open new opportunities for you business-wise, especially if you are an entrepreneur.
Throughout April, because you will be feeling more social than normal, you also have a chance to meet a potential love interest. And honestly, all the energy of the universe is on your side for making this connection something special, if it is something you wish to pursue. If you are in a relationship, this is also a good month to plan a getaway with your lover and reconnect with them on a more intimate and personal level.
Now, while everything seems to be going well for you this month, Libra, you are strongly advised not to neglect your health, as health issues may arise towards the end of the month. Make sure you are taking proper care of yourself and eating right if you wish to avoid any problems.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):
For the Scorpio, this month, it's time to start putting a little more focus on your financial situation (especially if you've been spending a lot recently). You've been craving stability, yet you've been spending left and right; what's gotten into you? Of course, it's ok to splurge every now and then, but doing it all the time will leave you in a financial rut. Not to mention, it won't make you feel good mentally. Therefore, April is a great time to put a larger focus on your work and savings, which will pay off big in the future.
Romantically, your emotions are running amuck this month thanks to the energetic movement of the planets, causing you to lash out towards loved ones. Just remember that it isn't your partner's fault you are feeling this way, so don't take it out on them. If you are single, you may feel tempted to find comfort in more than one lover this month.
On an emotional level, you might feel a little weighed down and are advised to take some time to just do you. If someone offers to pamper you, take them up on that and just let loose for a little while. You've been working hard, and that's good, but rest is also necessary. Make time for both if you want this month to sail smoothly.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):
For the Sagittarius, this month is a reminder to stop worrying and start doing. You've had so many great ideas for businesses lately, but you've been hesitant to put them to fruition. What's holding you back? Stop thinking about what could go wrong, and instead think of what could go right. We have a feeling that when you finally take that leap, you're going to be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Romantically, your relationships with your partner this month will be flourishing. You will feel like you are walking on clouds with them, and arguments will be little to none. If you are single, you have the potential to meet 'the one' this month, so make sure you're making time to do a little searching.
This month you are also being reminded to not take everything so seriously. It's ok to let off a little steam every now and then and just goof off, but you have a hard time letting yourself do so. Make it a goal to touch base with the things you enjoyed doing as a child this month. As silly as it sounds, you may find that it helps you to feel more comfortable in your day-to-day life and will be a natural stress reliever.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
For you, Cap, this month, you're aligning with the spring energy and feeling a need to cleanse out the old and bring in the new. For that reason, it's good to reflect on the things in your life and see if they are bringing you true joy or not. If not, it's time to give them the boot and cleanse them from your life to better align with your purpose.
At work, you may feel you aren't getting the recognition you deserve and are in desperate need of a change. However, any assertiveness with voicing this problem now to your boss will be ill met and may have you considering a new job in the near future.
Romantically, your relationship is steady, but you may want to look for new ways to spice things up so that your partner doesn't get bored. If you are single, you are advised not to get into any relationships this month, as the need to run back to your ex may arise and should be avoided at all costs.
By the 19th, you'll be ready for a vacation, so it would be wise to find a relaxing activity that brings you joy to partake in and make some days for just you. Remember, all work and no play makes a Cap a dull soul, and we definitely don't want that.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
For the Aquarius, April will be a month of ups and downs for you. On one hand, you are expected to receive good news or a possible promotion at the workplace, but on the other, you are feeling a bit burned out, which is causing you to think negatively about yourself and your life. Taking the time to relax and do some self-reflection this month will definitely help you to feel more stable.
In your career, the Sun's transition to the abundant sign of Taurus will prove to be a very opportunistic time for you. This will provide you with multiple opportunities to move up in your career this month, which is definitely something you've been waiting for.
Romantically, with so much going on for you this month, love isn't really a focus for you. However, visits with your friends and family could prove to be very beneficial and may even help you to relax more, so definitely make time to do so.

Pisces (February 19 - March 10):
And lastly, for you, Pisces, you've been a little concerned about where things are headed in your life lately, but thankfully, April is going to be a very stable month for you. This month, a lot of focus is being put on your health. You are advised to take time to make sure you are eating right and working out to ensure you keep any health issues to a minimum. This will also help to boost your overall mood for the month, keeping things light and fun around you.
Aside from this, your career is also being put on a pedestal this month, and Mercury will have a very positive effect on your finances, helping you to feel secure and stable for the first time in a long time. Romantically, a small amount of jealousy may arise this month for those in a relationship; however, it will soon be put to rest, and the relationship will flourish once more. On the other hand, single Pisces will be presented with many opportunities to find a meaningful relationship with someone and are advised to seek them out if it feels right.
Overall, the month of April will be a powerful, transformative month of ups and downs for all Zodiac signs. The common energy everyone will feel this month will be reflection and forward movement. Opportunities are abundant this month, but the only way to make the most of them is to leave the past in the past. Therefore, take some time to clear out your demons before you jump ahead into something new. This will help you make the most of every opportunity at your door and keep the problems of your month to a minimum.
Happy April!