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Rituals for Wealth & Abundance

August 07, 2020 2 Comments

Rituals for Wealth & Abundance
In this, the year of 2020, of plague and protest, of economic strain, there has been financial difficulty worldwide. While magick may not simply drop bags of cash into your lap (wouldn’t that be nice?), there are strong magickal energies on which we can draw to attract abundance to ourselves. 
In almost any corner of the world, you will come across traditions of money magick, and each culture has its own spiritual format for performing it. If you feel drawn to your own ancestral practices, why not research them and use that wealth of energy in your own workings? 
Above all, the most important thing to remember is that magick is all about intent. Whichever ritual you choose to perform, take the time and space to really allow yourself to ease into a peaceful, intentional mindset.

Today, I present to you three rituals for wealth and abundance.

Ritual One: Money Magick Spell Jar

Here is a ritual you can do with items you already have in your house and store cupboard. 
You will need:
  • An empty glass jar
  • 9 coins (silver and gold, or whichever you have handy)
  • A green candle (a birthday candle will do)
  • Basil (dried or fresh)
  • A glass of water (if you have New Moon water, all the better!)
Prepare for your ritual, whether that is to cast a circle, or to meditate. Once you are ready, and your mind is still, take your coins. Drop them, one by one, into the jar. As you drop each coin, recite the following words:
“I make investments into me. I watch the money come to me.”
As you recite these words, picture your bank balance rising with each coin. 
Once you have dropped all of the coins into the jar, place some basil into the jar. 
“Green and gold together grow, numbers high that once were low.”
Now, pour the glass of water into the jar, covering the coins and the basil. Say:
“As I water, so it grows. Unto me the money flows.”

Place the lid tightly on the jar and set the green candle on top of it. Light the candle and visualize yourself in abundance - what does that look like? How do you feel? What is different for you in this abundant future?
When you have meditated on these thoughts, and they’re really clear in your mind’s eye, and the candle is burned down, place any leftover wax into the jar, seal, and store in a dark, safe cupboard. 
Each day, go back and swirl the jar, reminding yourself of your abundant visualizations. 

Ritual Two: The Poppet

This ritual utilizes the poppet, one of the oldest forms of magick. 
For your poppet, you have many options. You can use an existing doll or figurine; you can make one from fabric or fibers, or fashion one from clay or even dough. 
What is important is that your poppet understands that it is YOU. Tell the poppet its name, and what it’s helping you with. Be specific. For example, 
“Your name is … and you are gaining wealth to save a house deposit.”
Place the poppet on your altar. Each day, place a coin in front of the poppet and tell it that this money belongs to it. 
Continue the ritual for 9 days, placing a coin at the feet of the poppet every morning. 
After the 9 days, thank the poppet for helping you, and put it somewhere safe. Do not discard the poppet – this is a representation of yourself. You can repeat the ritual with the same poppet at any time.

Ritual Three: Affirmations

Affirmations are perhaps one of the easiest ways to conduct rituals, especially if you do not feel comfortable practicing more physical magick in your home. 
When you choose your affirmation, make sure it is in the present tense, and that it clearly states your intentions. For example, 
“I have all the money I need. I am abundant in health and wealth.”
You must truly visualize yourself living this truth while you state your affirmations. Every morning, as you wake, find a quiet place, and get comfortable. Focus on deep, full breathing, gifting your body with revitalizing oxygen. Close your eyes and picture your abundant life. Now that you are there in your mind, repeat your affirmation. Try to focus on your affirmation for five minutes. Give yourself ample time to settle into this abundant mindset.

Repeat your affirmations every day until you reach your goal. Not only will this re-program your mind; it will also raise your confidence and energy levels to begin each day with five minutes of positive meditation. 

Practice one or all three of these rituals. Just remember that it is your intention that matters the most. If you don’t have access to the materials listed, improvise.
You are the strongest source of your own magickal power.

Kirsten Cailleach is the founder of One Boss Witch, a blog and online store. She also presents the One Boss Witchcast podcast and moonlights as a Producer at Witch With Me and Co-curator at Coven Market

2 Responses


October 28, 2021

Dearest Kirsten,
I wanted to personally thank you when I asked for your help & you responded so quickly. I’m new to practicing, but I feel like I’ve been doing this my whole life. Of course, I know I’m a newbie to practicing rituals, but I’ve been meditating & working on my other gifts for years. I make no false claims. I do believe we’re all born gifted & it’s up to us to practice so we may get stronger. I really appreciate you reaching out to me. It meant the world to me. And things are already starting to happen. Nothing huge, but that’s ok. I appreciate everything I’m gifted with. And someday, I’d like to give back to others that need help. Thank you again. Blessings Always, and wishing you a wonderful All Hallows’ Eve ,w/a beautiful Blue Moon 🌝 🖤

Crystals & Cards
Crystals & Cards

October 28, 2021

Hello, I just wanted to say how much I love your store & I appreciate your help w/incantations. I’m a beginner at incantations, but I’ve been studying and practicing my gifts for years. I’ve never been at peace the way I am now. ~Namaste ~

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