Fan of the dilly-dally? Our relationship game is on the starting block for this Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. It’s up to you to surrender to your true love nature to heal a sense of identity OR keep the mask on until the next eclipse season. Let the Nesters unite! You’re not alone, as our collective psyche as a species is going to have this axis eclipsed. Think war & peace, sport & rest, Mars & Venus, Aries & Libra.
What’s under review for this total solar eclipse? The potential balance of our true cardinal fire nature (Aries) coupled with our diplomatic and conditioned peace-at-all-costs (Libra) is up for an overhaul review (oh, is that all…). Why is it more pronounced for us this time around? Because the North Node of the Moon s currently transiting Aries and the collective has Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius supporting evolution at this time: freedom to be. Can’t put it any simpler!
On that note, let’s jump into the energies for each sign of the zodiac. For those of you who know you planet placements, you’ll want to pay special attention to which houses host Mars and Venus, because they are the two bug players after our luminaries. Just before we head into the zodiac, though, a brief refresher on what an eclipse is and how and why it’s time to open the heart to its profound cosmic light shower.
Solar eclipses often arrive with new beginnings and bright new opportunities. Exciting, often very positive, and full of news out of the blue.
Sometimes when the Moon orbits Earth, the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the Sun, or a solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the Moon casts a shadow onto Earth. The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. This total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean. Weather permitting, the first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico’s Pacific coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT (NASA).
Let’s hit the zodiacal tarmac!
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Aries. First, Happy Birthday! I’m glad you were born… With Venus, Chiron, the NN, and Merc Retrograde in your sign, this redo energy has been building for a while. You have a whole new evolutionary impulse to individuate. Ask yourself what you are eclipsing:
1) your conformity to the status quo;
2) acceptance of and flying your freak flag;
3) hoofing it alone into the beautiful world of wonder;
4) integrating your non-conformist, unique self back into society;
5) maintaining balance with your individuality while navigating consensus reality.
Aries SUN MOON or RISING, you can utilize this eclipse to catapult your authentic self into a more comfortable and less shocking manifestation of the above stages. It's a hugely powerful time, tap in and love the metamorphosis!
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Jupiter conjunct Uranus in your sign, you can expect some hella adventures, Taurus, lol… any Sagittarians or Aquarians pop up in you life recently? If not the physical representation, then perhaps a chance to travel or learn some new tech? How about philanthropy on the heart…
It might have been an EEG couple of years for you, but with Mars conjunct Saturn just sextile to your sign in Pisces, this eclipse vibe brings some gentle aether to your table and bumps up the physical energy a notch. Don’t worry! Siestas are still very important for you to recharge, and Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius will give your transits a deeply moving quality to them. Parents play a role in each of our eclipses, and how we can create our own mother and father archetype within. Thes next six months will show you where you’ve grown and where you’re growing to – climb gently, Taurus, build kind structures that will last a lifetime 😊
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
MAJOR EXPANSION ALERT! Gemini, you have all this eclipse energy sextiling your sign, which means opportunity, pure and simple. There might be an instinct to hide your light during this time, especially for those of you born end of May, as Pluto is trining your Sun, which can be turbo-charged energy, to say the least.
Gems might shy from the overarching theme of stepping out, but the universe will find a way, so better to engage the energy before it engages you. You have far more courage than you might think, though with the Mars/Saturn conjunct squaring your sign, it’s a good time to gear down in less talk and more meditation, whatever that means for you: bicycling, outlining spreadsheets, or literal Zen… it’ll boost your shoulders-back-right-foot-forward strut!
Cancer 22 June – 22 July
Asteroids Vesta and Wolff bookend your sign during this total solar eclipse, Cancer, and so what better time to go camping if you can! You might be feeling literally feral, lol, and an outdoor camp with a solid (and safe) campfire would engage this energy nicely. What’s on the agenda for your ruling planet? Eclipsing the Sun, that’s what! Yo, your ruling planet Moon is going to be strong these next six months, able to withstand the learning through friction that comes with all those planetary energies in Aries squaring your Sun.
To engage this energy before it engages you, take a look back the Pisces trine, where Mars and Saturn are conjunct and ready to offer consistent “exit” strategy should you feel emotional overwhelm at this time. “Physical” and “structure” are the keywords, so building your body or an altar or a business proposal would each support the square. And baths! 😉
Leo 23 July – 22 August
Regal Bunnies! This is going to be a fun one… in fact, each fire sign will benefit from the eclipse energy, but the Sun rules your sign, Leo, so you get your person new Moon vibe with this energy. It could hold important, deeper emotional secrets that you often don’t let yourself feel, but it’s time to be vulnerable and honest with yourself. That’ll be subjective to you and your stage in life, but emotional joy and shining on stage (even a literal one, or public speaking, etc.) is your Goddess-given right. You have the courage to face yourself, Leo, and take you’re a-game to A+.
One note of advice: ground yourself before making any big life changes, as Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct and square to your sign in Taurus, so the energy is inviting you to slow down somewhat before major decisions are made. EZ PZ.
Virgo 23 August – 23 September
The eclipse inconjunct to your sign will encourage you to keep your eye on the ball. Especially with Juno sitting in your sign, sticktoitiveness is absolutely the best use of this energy at this time, and Jupiter trining (with its conjunct to Uranus) will support you in the earthy energy. There might be a few thoughts on repeat, but Virgo is no stranger to overthinking, so the advice is to have a bucket underneath that dartboard for the arrows that don't stick, you feel me?

Allow yourself to jot down notes without editing and take the time to share your ideas with a generous tone in lieu of critical. You know finding the faults means you care but others don't! This is a perfect time for loosening up anything that might be buttoned up too tight, just keep the undoing as slow and steady as the eclipse itself. Your generous nature will soften any stifling energy. Thanks heaven's for you, Virgo...
Libra 24 September – 23 October
“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option”—Maya Angelou. Again ... Never make someone a priority when all I am to them is an option… this is your eclipse mantra, Libra, please take it to heart. The energy of this eclipse in your polarity sign Aries is one of a full & new moon to your sun. So imagine your mirrored, fine-ass self just standing there smiling back at you with the most authentic version that you can muster, and take a photograph. Put it on the fridge and repeat the mantra. Then breathe the mantra, then write a soliloquy about the mantra, lol… it’s time.
Please remember that Pluto has your back for, like, the next 20 years, so you clearly have this evolution process on lock. Fly higher, laugh louder, love longer – you deserve to be you without apology ❤️
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
So your ruling planet, Pluto, has just ingresses into Aquarius for the foreseeable future, and that’s going to give you a tremendous amount of freedom to be you unique self. The eclipse is inconjunct to your sign, Scorpio, but as Pluto is the higher octave of its ruling planet, Mars, you kind of have the upper hand when understanding that cardinal fire energy. It’s important you don’t burn yourself or other at this time, including bridges or secret telling, though you may be tempted!

Best use of the eclipse energy for Scorpios is to focus on the trines: Mars & Saturn conjunct in Pisces is the perfect go-to for softening edges and drying up over emotionality. How? Get to a warm water feature and melt… jacuzzi, natural hot springs, or just an Epsom salt bath with candles lit and red garnets sprinkled in the water around you—stay warm and fluid and let the Moon Eclipse the Sun. Remind yourself you are a vehicle of love—vroom!
Photo by Tania Medina
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you ever felt you weren’t free enough, Sage, well now you can pop out the cage for a look around. Travel, dance, sing, reenact vows, just continue the becoming! Fire signs have it all gong on this eclipse and the only one that needs a deeper warning is you, lol, you mutable wild one… make sure you have your compass handy to return to that cozy spot where you once made a home, which might surprise you. Home is where the heart is, right? So, get back into anything you might have abandoned that you still absolutely LOVE to do but forgot about.
Never one to shy away from transformation, the Sagittarius can now launch those arrows with the sole goal in mind to eclipse something about your personal identity. Maybe a version of two selves can now merge into one: the spiritual teacher and the business exec archetypes are on the table; how does that show up in your life? Feel the feels along the way, but just make sure to discern they’re yours and not somebody else’s! Lol, practicing discernment is the trick for this eclipse.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Earthy lessons in control might find you this eclipse, Capricorn, and depending in which house your Sun sits (and any conjuncts or squares, especially squares to the Aries-Libra axis), there’s a superb opportunity to learn through precise friction. Let me explain! You know when you first start learning to cook, and the difference you witness when you take the time to cut your veggies or what-have-you with precision? How the harmony of the meal kicks in? That’s what we’re talking about here. Now take that concept and apply it laterally to your relationships, because this eclipse is energizing your Sun with a T-square, so there’s a decent amount of focus on self-mastery and showing up in the world as exactly who you are. Authentic identity can only be uncovered through self-love and that is the Aries-Libra axis in a nutshell (Aries/Mars/self + Libra/Venus/love).

We can only evolve by default, that is, being our beautiful selves then witnessing what no longer serves us and placing our attention on what does. So being who we are without apology is imperative to surrender those parts that have been severely conditioned into existence. That’s what’s eclipsing this April 8. So lucky, sweet Capricorn!
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Pluto. Pluto. Pluto. Not a chant, exactly; not a mantra, but a force of evolution beyond compare. Match that with your ruling planet, Uranus, and you have the 1960s revolutionary energy joining you for the next 20-odd years, emphasis on odd, lol! Be it, do it, whatever it is? Let it guide you like a guru… this inner teacher, in-tuition, is bubbling up to offer Aquarians the eclipse of a lifetime, replete with opportunities to be a self that might surprise you. And interestingly, we now live in time where we no longer have to “come out” as anything. Identify as human, and we have all things under the moon and stars covered. With all the eclipse energy sextiling your sign in Aries, you have permission to be a child of Goddess, like the Temperance card in the tarot: a rainbow bridge between Love & Strength.
That said, love is temperate and kind; strength is earned and comes only from a negating force, like isometrics. Yes, Aquarius, you have a prime opportunity (almost sport-like!) to upgrade in ways you haven’t even thought of yet. That’s not to say you’re not perfect as you are, but we’re here to become the cleanest vehicle of love we can, and the Plutonic tonic you’re sipping on will have already shown you glimmers of what need to be eclipsed so that that love can shine through your crystalline, fine self. Surrender to love in strength—<<could that be a mantra?
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Sweet Pisces, with two of your least favorite archetypes in your sign, Mars and Saturn, no doubt you’ve had a few lessons in the get-up-and-go that got-up-and-went. Ai ai ai! Here’s the silver lining: your ruling planet, Neptune, is sitting steady at 28.10 degrees during this eclipse. Think of it like parallel universe next door in Aries and you have this chill wall slightly diffusing the energy. That said, the wall could just as easily be a blinder, shutting you off from what needs to be eclipsed! Keep your third eye out…
I’d suggest the best use of this energy, before it engages you in cosmic intensity or denial, respectively, is to head to your favorite spots where you can share yourself as you are. Those friends that “get” you. Those spaces you can flow into and create, whatever that means for you (art of any form; sports; glamping; gardening, etc.). This will encourage that Mars-Saturn conjunct in your sign to offer a stability you can see and touch that brings the get-up-and-go the permission to be wherever it serves you best, even if it’s gone. Byeeeee 😘All Photos credit:

Sherrill Layton is the director of a new line of alternative spas, FLOW. Editorial Therapy now includes editing the life stories that no longer serve you! The FLOW formula? Humane care that helps balance the natural elements = harmony & love 🝛