Crystals 101: Get To Know Your Crystals!

Crystals 101: Get To Know Your Crystals!

Crystals have been used for healing since ancient times. The earth has blessed us with rich and various crystals types with different metaphysical properties that can aid us. These crystals and gemstones are used to increase and summon to our lives: confidence, love, relationships, prosperity, protection and many other hearts' desires.

Different crystals can manifest different healing properties. Manifest the right energy. Be true and clear with your intentions as you harness their energy. Remember that crystals are the visual representations of our intentions. Healing crystals will help us with our day to day predicaments as well as our future intentions. You can also use you crystals and gemstones to adorn your altar and rituals!

Here are our top 9 crystals that will help start your crystal journey:


First and foremost, Amethyst. Known as the "The All-Purpose Stone." This crystal gives clarity in times of confusion. The best part, it helps relieve stress and anxiety. It is used in both physical and emotional healing. Keep an amethyst with you during divination to open your intuition. It's also great in marital fidelity and sobriety!
purple geode

Amethyst Crystal Energy Comb

Amethyst 12 facets pendulum


The mystic stone of transformation and magic. Labradorite will help restore and revive flat energy. It will enhance and strengthen spiritual growth as well. If you are looking into meditation, lucid dreaming, psychic abilities development and spiritual awareness, the Labradorite is perfect.

oval blue and black accessory on white surface

Labradorite Crystal Candle

Labradorite 6 Facets Pendulum


Just like the moon, moonstone is the stone for new beginnings. It's great for bringing peace and balance. It also helps calm aggressive tendencies. Moonstone is your go-to crystal for manifesting intuition, dreams, and feminine energies. It enhances fertility and promotes ease in pregnancy and childbirth.

Vintage Round Moonstone Ring

Delicate triple Moon Moonstone Ring


The grounding and protection stone. If you want to boost inspiration and happiness, tourmaline is the crystal you should use. It will clear, cleanse, and unlock any energy blockages within your body and home. Aside from that, tourmaline also helps reduce fear and build self-confidence.

Tourmaline Crystal Candle

Black Tourmaline and Amethyst energy generator


This crystal will help heal physical ailments, emotional issues, and energy healing. It's healing properties benefit women most as it eases cramps during the menstrual cycle and ensures a smooth pregnancy. Amazonite is also great in helping you speak your heart and be true to yourself.

4 Point Amazonite Generator

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz, as evident by it's color, is a soothing and calming stone. It is perfect for love, harmony, and peace. Symbolizing love, romance and harmony; it helps receive and give love. Being the stone for universal love, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love. It also heals the ailments of the thymus, heart, and lungs.

Rose Quartz Crystal Facial Roller

Rose Quartz Crystal - Massaging Bath Bar


The master healer of all crystals. It can literally be used for anything and everything, but it is known for being a deep soul cleanser. It is also great to combine with other crystals as it will amplify the effect of other crystals. It enhances your perception of the world, increases your awareness and clarity in thinking.

close up photography of clear crystal

Amplified Vibrations Crystal Mist


The power stone. When it comes to stabilizing the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity agate will come in handy. It improves concentration, perception, and analytical abilities. It's excellent to use in rebalancing and harmonizing mind, body, and spirit.

Black Agate Palmstone Rune Set

Black Obsidian

The black obsidian is great for cutting emotional cords that inhibit you from moving on. It will also absorb any negativity you have. In fact, it is the stone of truth. When it is used with tourmaline it will become the stone of honesty! In the physical aspect, Obsidian will help reduce joint pain, cramps, and injuries. It will also help with blood circulation.

Crystal Wine Bottle Stoppers

We hope this entry will help you on your way in the crystal world! Also, let us know if you have a favorite crystal that is not on our list. And if you have insights regarding healing crystals please share it with us! Happy harnessing goddesses!

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1 comment

Thank you for the introduction to getting to know your crystals! I have always known crystals to have healing and intuitive properties- keep posting for us Newbies please!


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