The Big Love Spell

The Big Love Spell

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s time for those of us with a bit of a love deficit in our lives to get cracking on some action. Today’s offering is a spell that uses the power of desire, manifestation and attraction to draw in the energy that allows our hearts to open and seek out love like a little beacon of happiness. 
Now, you may be looking for a love spell that works immediately, and, let me tell you; those do exist. Are they amazing, incredible and jaw-dropping? Of course. Are they safe and wise to practice when we’re not a well-seasoned practitioner with the warding skills of a 90-year-old sorceress? Probably not. No, this love spell does not focus on delivering a tall and handsome stranger to your front door when the clock strikes twelve. This love spell works – and it’s all about internal re-alignment.

I’m going to assume that, because it’s Valentine’s Day, you’re looking for a nice, reciprocal, hot-and-sexy-in-a-healthy-way relationship. We’re going with two red candles, everybody.

Big Love Spell

You’ll Need:
- 2 red candles
- 2 red ribbons or pieces of string
- A teaspoon of Thyme (any Thyme will do, grab it from the supermarket)
- A teaspoon of Lavender
- A teaspoon of Oregano (again, get it from the supermarket)
- A lighter or matches
- A fire-proof plate
- Tissue paper or brown paper


How to Do It:
1. Set up your altar or magickal space, ensuring that it is clean, cleansed and ready to go. You can burn some incense or cleansing herbs, and you can physically clean down your altar. Place some fresh flowers or pomegranates on there – make it romantic.

2. Prepare yourself for the working. For me, this means meditation, but for you it could mean going for a walk or a run, taking a romantic bath, anything that makes you feel fresh, clean and focused.

3. Mix your herbs together and stir them clockwise nine times. You are placing your intentions into this mixture – while you’re stirring, picture your partner. Try not to focus on physical attributes – imagine someone with whom you have a genuine, strong and passionate connection. Picture someone with the same values as you, someone who likes doing the same things that you like to do. Someone truly and utterly compatible with you. This is the Big Love Spell, not the Wreck My Heart Spell.

4. Take your charged herbs and spread them in a smallish circle on the plate on your altar. Your candles are going to sit on top, so make sure it’s not piled too high.

5. Take one of your candles – this one represents you. Tell this candle who it is, and tell it that it is ready for Big Love. Its heart is open, it is ready to receive love.

6. Now take your second candle and tell it that it is your Big Love. You’re ready to meet them, you’re ready for them to enter your life and change it for good. Tell this candle you love its open, honest communication, its self-worth and its drive. Tell this candle all the things you love about it (i.e. all the things you love about your future Big Love).

7. It’s time to connect the dots. Take your two candles and begin to bind them together with your red ribbon. Remember that you’re going to set these on fire, so please be mindful of that. You don’t have to burn these all the way down, so the safest idea is to bind them towards the bottom end and please, always remember to watch the candle so your home doesn’t burn down. Tie the ribbon fairly tight, so that the two candles are touching each other. Embracing, if you will.

8. Set your pair of candles on top of the herbs and say,

"I am ready for my Big Love
My Big Love is ready for me.
With this working, I will bring
This Big Love into being."

Say it 3 times, and mean it. Channel your energy into those candles. Those candles
love each other, it’s romantic. Bless them.

9. Finally, light your candles and watch them burn, melt and become one flame. It doesn’t matter if they don’t melt exactly as you would hope – candles are fickle. Ideally, you want the wax to connect the two candles in some way, and melt over the ribbon, binding you and drawing you together.

10. Meditate on the flames while the candles burn. Again, envision your life with your Big Love. Picture the things you’d like to do together, the trips you’d like to take, the movies you’d like to watch on your streaming service of choice. Imagine dinners, long nights, days out. Envision and manifest everything you can think of to flesh out your Big Love.

11. When the flame has burned down at least halfway, and dripped onto your ribbon, binding you together, snuff (don’t blow) your candles out safely. Say,
I bind us together, I will wait for you.

12. Now, spread out your tissue paper and pour the remaining herbs into it. Place your bound candle remains on top (make sure they’re not still glowing with any embers) and carefully wrap the package like it’s a love token. Bind it with your second red ribbon and either bury it in your garden, if you have one, or place it safely in a box on a shelf where it won’t be disturbed.

My parting advice to you, witches and friends, is to remember your own worth. This spell is to bring a Big Love into your life – someone who deserves you and will treat you well. Don’t settle for medium love.

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SN thank you so much this came in the nick of time needed it your the best

Terri Cumbee

Thank you very much, this is exactly was I’m looking for :) Some questions in my life are not answered yet….


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