Simple Candle Magick PLUS A Home Protection Candle Spell

Simple Candle Magick PLUS A Home Protection Candle Spell

Candle Magick doesn’t have to be complicated.
In fact, it can be one of the simplest and most effective forms of magick given you set a strong intention and raise the proper energy. First, you need a candle. That’s obvious. Next, you’ll need something to light the candle – matches or a lighter. The old books will tell you to only use matches, but we’ve never had any problems using a lighter for candle magick. Before performing a candle spell, the most important thing is to set a clear intention. By this, we mean to be concise on what you’re asking the universe to give you. For example, don’t light a candle and ask for “abundance” or the universe will literally you give an abundance of everything. Which can be an abundance of negative as well as positive things.
And, let’s face it, sometimes too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Instead, set a clear intention for “enough money to pay my bills this month.” Set a clear intention the universe will understand.

Simple candle magick consists of four main elements: a clear intention, an anointed candle, the flame, and your energy. Whether you blow out, snuff, or let your candle flame burn out depends on your beliefs. Some people say you should never blow out the candle because it blows out the intention, while others say blowing out a candle will send your intention out on the wind to be manifested. It’s truly up to you what you feel works best. The same thing goes for candle colors, anointing oils, and crystals. Experiment with different things and record what worked and what didn’t. Soon you’ll have your own style of candle magick and won’t even need our advice!

PLEASE NOTE: This simple candle spell is best performed on a Waxing or Full Moon for maximum protective potency.

Try this simple candle spell for protection of your home:

What You’ll Need:


1. Gather all of your supplies.

2. Cleanse your space by smudging or with smudge spray.

3. Get into a relaxed state of mind through deep breathing or meditation. Clearly set your intention in your mind: protection of your home from spiritual and physical intrusions.

4. Anoint your candle by taking a dab of essential oil and rubbing it on the candle. While you do this, envision a protective bubble forming around your home.

5. Then take your pin/needle and carve the words “home protection” into the candle. Again, while doing so envision the bubble around your home sealing itself over the roof of your home and becoming impenetrable to negative forces. If you have a hard time visualizing, raise energy by repeating and/or chanting the intention “protect this house from negative forces” (or something similar) at least thirteen times.

6. Light your candle and let it burn for a total of three hours (or until it burns out completely depending on how much time you have). If you used the black tourmaline candle from Spirit Nest, the black tourmaline crystal will be revealed during the spell. Remove it from the wax and place it in a front windowsill. If you used a separate black tourmaline crystal, place it in your front windowsill any time during the spell. The crystal serves to absorb negative energy.

7. Before snuffing out your candle, speak the words “my house is protected from negative energy and forces. So mote it be.”


Written by The Otherworldly Oracle, follow her site and FB group 
as it is the best online sources for information and tips on the mystic, pagan, and supernatural enthusiast.


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Smudging is a sacred indigenous practice, non-indigenous people shouldn’t smudge. You can cleanse with smoke, but it is not smudging, nor should you call it smudging.


My husband Tim is a magnet for negative spirits and energy, what can we do to keep them away??

Mary Mccall

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