New Beginning spell you can do during the new moon

New Beginning spell you can do during the new moon

During a new moon, the moon is not visible in the sky. This typically means the energy available is low. People often report feeling tired and drained during a new moon. This is a perfect opportunity to become self-reflective, to look inward. This is an ideal time to really think about want you want in life acknowledge your goals, set clear intentions towards those goals, and write to-do lists. A time for a fresh start, and to let go of those things in your life that no longer serve you. Here's a new beginning spell you can do during the new moon.

What you will need:

1. Sage or another cleansing herb to burn
2. Lighter/Matches

First, make sure you’ve cleaned your home physically. Toss out things that no longer serve you. Disinfect, dust, vacuum; really make sure your space is “a fresh start”.
Next smoke cleanse your space. Grab a sage bundle or palo santo and walk your entire home, fanning the smoke and repeat, “Blessed smoke of the scared sage (or other herb of your choosing) cleanse and bless this home. Let the
negativity disperse like the sacred smoke leaving only purity and love behind.”
Repeat this until your entire home is cleansed or come up with your own little chant.
Because we want negativity to LEAVE the home, we will walk counterclockwise beginning at your front door and ending back at your front door.
The spell below should be done immediately after you have completed these tasks.

New Beginning spell 
What you will need:

1. Rose Petals or another flower petal you resonate with.
2. Moon water.
3. Piece of quartz crystal.
4. White Candle.

Sit with your items in front of you.

Put the flower, candle, and water in front of you. Light the candle.
Hold the quartz crystal in your hand and just sit with it, entwining your energy with the crystal. The intention of this is a new beginning, a fresh start.
When you are comfortable and ready, say the following, take a deep breath and say, “I am beginning anew.”
Blow your breath across the quartz.
And then say, “I breathe newness, energy, and light into myself.”
Pass the quartz over the candle flame and repeat, “I have fire, passion, and radiance within me.”
Touch the quartz to the petals of the flower and repeat, “I am blooming, growing, and thriving. I am beautiful even in the darkest storms.”
Dunk the quartz in the moon water and take it back out and repeat, “I have healed, I have transcended, and I will never be defeated.”
Now hold the quartz to your heart and say, “I have begun anew, a fresh start, and I will live my life being, happy, free and with a mended heart.
Carry the stone with you and/or keep it by your bedside. Hold it when things get rough or you’re beginning to fall into your old, bad habits.
Do this spell anytime to recharge the crystal and your space anytime you feel you need too.

Written by: Laurie A Gouley

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1 comment

I love the the winter witch parfumerie it smells so good 😊


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