The Venus was retrograde until now, and as it starts moving in it’s normal direction in the second half of the month. All the aspects it made in September will start happening again, an astrological Deja-vu if you will…
Everyone will re-live similar emotional period/situations they have experienced in September.
November brings a positive change in career for all Air and Fire signs because of the transit of Mercury through the constellation of Sagittarius. Water and Earth signs should save their energy for December and avoid making bigger decisions hastily, especially if there is a dose of risk involved.
Mercury is entering the Sagittarius constellation and makes a Trine with Aries which will give you an influx of positive energy. Mars in Aquarius makes a sextile with your sign, which enhances your impulsiveness, and gives you an additional burst of positive energy.
Career: In this month, Saturn is in Capricorn, making a square with your sign. For everyone born under the sign of Aries, this means that this period requires a lot more work than you usually need to invest. You may feel like everything is going slow and that you do not have enough energy. Just have patience, and freely ask for help from colleagues if you need it, they won’t disappoint!
Love and family life: From 15th of November, Venus ends it’s retrograde movement, creating a pleasant period for love. This is the right moment to think about going a step further – maybe is the time for a marriage or to add a new member to the family? Whatever the case, do not be afraid to take a step forward! For single ones, the upcoming period might be a stormy one.

Saturn entered the Capricorn constellation, creating a Trine with your sign, making this a period with a sharp focus, characterized by dedication to work and ultimately, success. Neptune is in Pisces turns your eyes towards the future, giving you a clear vision of what you want to achieve in the near future.
Career: Mars moves from Aquarius to Pisces in the second half of November.
For every Taurus, this period will definitely have their career and work on the spotlight. It is the right time to make plans towards your dreams coming true, knowing that the plans will surely pay off.
If you have any debts, use any opportunities to close them.
Love and family life: Venus is retrograde in the first half of the month, so love life will be quite stormy in November. You need to decide if your current relationship is what you really want at this moment. If you can’t find a middle ground, keep breakup as an option, especially because stars tells us that single ones in the sign of Taurus will enter interesting adventure at the end of the month. If you are married, show your partner some tenderness so that they don’t feel neglected.
Mercury brings a decrease in amount of energy Geminis have because of opposition it makes with your sign. Inconjunction of transit and your natal Sun brings forth a need for adaptation, making November your period of preparation for the winter.
Career: Mars is in Aquarius, making Trine with your sign, placing the focus of November on achieving business goals. In an attempt to achieve these goals, you should avoid putting too much emphasis on your own ideas and opinions, since this can lead to some unwelcome discussions with your colleagues.
Try to adapt to people and situations in your surrounding in the coming period, and positive results will not be absent, especially if you focus on the bigger picture.
Love and family life: Mercury remains in your field of love and family, and brings opportunities for open conversations that can solve old problems that have been swept under the carpet a long time ago.
Try to solve them as soon as possible since Mercury will start going retrograde from the second half of November and this will bring confusion to your relationships.
The position of Sun in Scorpio brings all Cancers a more positive attitude and a better base for overcoming existing troubles. On the other hand, the first half of the month can be problematic, because of the unfavorable aspect of Mercury from Sagittarius with your sign.
Career: Because Jupiter brings forth positive vibrations from Scorpio, where it will spend the first half of the month, Everyone born in the sign of Cancer can expect a reward for all the efforts they have been investing in the previous period. There may be raise and even a promotion thanks to your precision and attention you invest in work.
Your superiors will appreciate your commitment. If you don’t have a job right now, it’s a good time to start something new!
Love and family life: Venus will be in one of the best positions for your love life in this month! It leads to a time when you’ll be able to create harmonious relationships with everyone you meet. If you are in a marriage or in a long term relationship, the next period will require from you to invest more efforts and show more devotion. Raise up for the occasion, it won't take all of your time and it'll pay off since family will be your secure place in November.
Mars from Aquarius constellation makes an opposition with your sign, which will add to your impatience and your desire to achieve success in your goals as soon as possible.
Career: Career takes a back seat in November since the family and love life will come to the forefront. Regardless of this, your work will still be going well because of Mercury from the Sagittarius constellation, which makes a Trine with your sign. Work will tend to become a joyful place where you can relax and relieve stress.
Love and family life: In the relationship with your partner, you will finally arrive at the point where there is no place for conflicts, as you sail into calmer waters led by Venus from the Libra constellation.
This month should be dedicated to improving relations with your significant other. This is a great time to start thinking about a new family member. If you are single, enjoy the venus vibes - have fun without the need to put things into any particular perspective.

Sun finally enters Scorpio constellation, making favorable aspects with Mercury, Venus, as well as your Sign - which you will be able to feel both physically and mentally.
Career: Although career is not in focus in this month, you still can expect success. Try not to be independent too much, since this is the time for teamwork. Develop team spirit, listen to their ideas – communication is very important in the second half of the month when Mercury starts its retrograde walk.
Love and family life: Mercury will be focused on your family for almost the whole month, and will bring you opportunities for valuable conversations with family, which will greatly improve your relations with them.

In the second half of the month, direct movement of Venus through your sign will bring light to the darkness of the past period.
Career: Direct movement of Mars through Aquarius is creating a Trine with your sign, encouraging you to fight with all the strength you have for what you think is yours and that you have deserved. The leader spirit will awaken in you, and people will feel it and will gladly accompany you. This is the time when you can help grow your own, as well as the careers of your colleagues. You have a great chance to get good business results, especially in a team effort.
Love and family life: This month your relationships with your partner, if you are married or in a relationship, will be filled with love in addition to a great dose of passion ;).You can expect a great time. Use it to strengthen your relationship and smooth out the old disagreements.
Make sure you go out with your partner more and try to strengthen the social life of your relationship as much as possible. It also applies to single Libras, as a rich social life may reveal someone interesting during November!
Mars is entering Pisces constellation in the second half of November, finally allowing all Scorpios to breathe freely by making Trine with their sign.
Career: The Sun is transitting through your sign in this month and bringing a handful of reasons for joy and celebration in all fields of life, enabling you to do your best at work.
North Node is in Cancer constellation, giving you an opportunity to improve your status at work, and maybe also your financial situation.
Love and family life: The period that is ahead of you will be comfortable and relaxing if you are taken. Try to invest as much as possible into your relationship because the Pluto from Sagittarius is making a Sextile with both Venus and your sign, and any plans with your significant other will turn out well. If you are free, you will have the opportunity to meet an interesting person in your business environment.
Mercury is traveling through Sagittarius, helping all people born under this sign aim their arrows in the right direction. At the same time, Mars from Aquarius makes a sextile with their sign, giving you a burst of energy to help the shot count.
Career: An active business period is ahead of you. You'll have to do more things at a time, but this is a real opportunity to show off your capabilities! Perhaps many of your obligations will get you nervous because you want to finish everything right now, but you have to be patient because there will be time for everything, and good results are expected at the end of the road. This is a great period for anyone who is not yet sure of what they really want from their career.
Love and family life: Those who in relationships should expect a very quiet period, but only in the first half of November. In the second half, relationships can stir up, and communication problems may occur. Do not get too angry, and do not refuse to talk to your partner because sulking can only make matters worse.
For those who are free, horoscope for this month does not recommend burdening over plans for the future, but instead enjoying the present moment.
Saturn finally entered your sign, making you stronger and more stable in your upward climb to reach your goals. Uranus is entering the Taurus constellation, providing further stability for everyone born under the sign of Capricorn.
Career: Your efforts to improve your career are finally paying off. Your autonomy and initiative being at their peak, openness and relaxed attitude in communicating with colleagues, and not having to adapt to others - are sure to have a positive impact on your career. You will prove to everyone that you know better and can do better. The only advice is to keep a better track of finances at the end of the month!
Love and family life: This is a great month for all free Capricorns! You finally started to relax and to feel more comfortable around people, and this will be easily noticeable by others. Go out more and just have fun. There are great chances for romantic encounters and meeting people who will be meaningful to you in the upcoming period. If you are in a relationship, maybe this is the right time to take it a step further?
Mercury is passing through Sagittarius, making a Sextile with your sign, giving a boost to your enthusiasm. Mars is moving through your sign in this month, giving you more energy for love and passion, acting much like an aphrodisiac.
Career: The next period may be a turning point in the careers for all people born under the sign of Aquarius. This month may be the culmination of your success in the business plan for this year. You know what you want, you have a good communication with colleagues and superiors, and you should not be afraid to point out your abilities and accomplishments. All of this will be followed by financial success, as this is a very favorable period for you.
Love and family life: If you are in a relationship, in the second half of the month you might feel that your partner is trying to take control of the relationship, which can create tension between you. Retrograde Mercury can only make things harder in the second half of the month, so try to build good communication and talk more about the problem that is troubling you. Free Aquarians are waiting for encounters that bring something new and unexpected, so be open to everything!
Sun is passing through Scorpio Constellation, making a Sextile with your sign, Mercury and Venus - making both of your pisces swim in the same direction, making you twice as energetic and dynamic.
Career: In the field of work, this month you will be full of confidence and you are expecting a good business period thanks to that. Take care in communication with your superiors and colleagues because this confidence can bring you the feeling that you need no one, and that you can do everything by yourself. Who knows, maybe you really can? Either way, do not exhaust yourself trying to find out.
Love and family life: In the second half of the month, your relationship will be tested. Is your connection true or is it time for a change? This is the time to find out! You have to decide where to invest your energy and where not. Free Pisces probably won’t be interested in entering new relationships, but there is no reason not to go out and have a good time. That energy has to go somewhere!