Are you looking for insight into your archetypal planetary vibes? Do you want to know what the stars have in store for you in May of 2023? We Spirit Nesters can help you to gain insight into the events going on. With Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius, the upcoming trends vibrate with Uranian energy, so expect the unexpected! From love and romance to career and financials, May prepares us for individual and collective freedom or to take steps towards clarity and avoiding potential pitfalls. Read on to get into the flow of your elements and how each sign expresses itself in what's coming up!
May Horoscope Overview
Astrological Movements: In May, we see the Sun in Taurus and Mercury in Gemini, which will inspires an increase in mental acuity with a skosh of practicality. This is a sweet, sweet time for learning new skills or tackling projects that require careful attention to detail. However, it's also important to be aware of potential communication issues that may arise due to this pairing. You'll want to think carefully before fully speaking your mind during this month! This isn’t to say withhold info, but just be prepared to take the repercussions if you do, from both sides of the coin…
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) can find themselves feeling energetically active during this month as they take on new challenges with enthusiasm and learn through friction, that’s what squares do, and there’s potentially enormous power in that, though not always 100% comfortable. We all know what kind of magic happens outside that zone, though, yes?
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo Capricorn) can expect stability and security thanks to the positive energy flowing through their world right now, but it’s super important that you know in which house Aquarius sits, because that security can be going through do-over renos, you feel me? And we’re not just talking light stucco here, we’re talking a new roof level of shift, lol.
Air signs (Gemini Libra Aquarius) can prepare themselves for exciting conversations as creative ideas come into play – but don't forget that words have power too and can anchor you to stuff that you might not have anticipated! The intellect is in full gear and, depending on where your moon sits, you could be having emotional epiphanies in May that will set stuff free that you might have been holding onto for too long.
Water signs (Cancer Scorpio Pisces) can experience heightened emotions during this period which could lead to solidified feelings emerging that you FINALLY understand, so make sure you take time out for yourself to feel them all the way through, up from the heart center and like a pinball machine bounce them around until their out on paper or in song or other creative force. Emotional inventory always feels correct and May has the vibes to take you through with the strength of an ox 😉
Just coming down from the potent Hybrid Solar Eclipse in your sign, Aries can be ready for enthusiastic encounters this month as the stars invite you to look over the fence at Sun in Taurus, your next door neighbor that you don’t quite understand, lol. This is a prime time to make bold physical moves to improve self-care, and try something new when it comes to esthetics, inner or outer! Don't be afraid to show your true feelings and let your heart lead the way but keep an eye out for any communication issues or misunderstandings with Mercury retrograde inconjunct in Taurus until May 15 (unless you’re born with MercuryRX, in which case, Go. For. It.).
Careerwise, Aries can be open to creative problem-solving and taking initiative toward solidifying projects, maintaining awareness of how their words could affect others during this transit so wait to be invited before you speak up at work meetings or interviews. You have Jupiter transiting Aries on your side and whatever Jupiter touches it expands—with a square to Mars in Cancer this could be feeling a little touchy emotionally, so physical exercise is encouraged!
Watch for impulsive spending habits and instead focus on researching investment (remember money is just energy) options carefully if needed.
You always have the passion of a bull in your relationships, but this month the Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio (your axis partner) is going to illuminate potentially major goodies for your Sun to “solarize,” as in build out in the world… that gives opportunities for real structure with Saturn sextiling in Pisces with long-lasting results. This is an ideal time for getting closer to your loved one and rekindling sparks—get poetic, and don't be afraid to make the first mooooove, lol. However, watch for potential communication issues on both sides – take care not to jump to conclusions with Mercury retrograde in Taurus until it goes direct May 15. Your sign rules the throat chakra to begin with and with Uranus (the higher octave of Mercury) still transiting your sign, you could be blurting out stuff that unintentionally lands like an anvil, good bad or otherwise… moderation isn’t easy for your energy and the Full Moon in Eclipse in Scorpio (your axis partner) on May 5 will give this a meaningful examination!
Your natural determination has the impetus to fly. Networking with influential figures and taking advantage of any new opportunities that come your way must be accompanied by being mindful—with the once-in-36-years North Node transit in your sign, you’re calling in your self-actualization big time this month!
Tons of money options are available right now, so it's important not to rush into making decisions! Research, plan, learn more cash strategies, all these could really help you out eventually.
Gemini can prepare for deeply exciting conversations this May as the stars align in your favor. With Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius and Jupiter sextiling in Aries, it’s a great trine to share creative ideas, and explore new possibilities when it comes to love, romance, and travel. Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in Taurus until May 15, so (unless you’re born with MercuryRX, in which case, Go. For. It.) so watch the throat chakra blasting truth bombs all over the neighborhood. No Gossip. Check the self-duplicity at the door, lol…
Challenging projects could get lighter and the first week of May is a suitable time to redo accounts and send/pay bills before Venus transits out of your sign into Cancer. This can help keep getting emotional about finances in check. It’s also a prime opportunity to clarify love relationship vibes… or a quick getaway in the first week? Even an afternoon picnic will support the Taurus Sun next door 😉
Ahh… the ever-loving grace of Venus ingress to Cancer on May 8. Dreamy. Romantic antics. Home esthetics and waves of love—take care not to jump to deep or to conclusions, because around the third week of May, before it moves into Leo, Mars will be hooking up with that Venus and we know the mythology on that one! Steamy business, okay?
May is the perfect time for feeling out the new opportunities that came your way from the eclipse in Aries, this square to your sun might have brought crabby tension to the fore, so remember not to get too caught up in office politics during this transit! Focus on building positive relationships with clear boundaries.
The Venus transit could prompt cash opportunities this month, and with Jupiter sextiling in Aries there could be a windfall of sorts but take care not to exaggerate the outcome! Physical activity discipline will help anchor any rewards, so you don’t find yourselves in an easy come-go situation.
Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius (your axis partner), injects your Sun with amazing evolutionary energy… think solar flares! Express feelings, share ideas, and explore new possibilities when it comes to love and romance, and anything else to boot... With all the action from Aries trining your Sun—plus coming recently coming off the April eclipse there—you could be riding high, though make sure not to ride too high just in case there’s a pause, Wile E. Coyote style, lol. The impulse to get carried away with finances will be in the spotlight in May, so make your bets wisely before Mars enters Leo on the 21st.
With your ruling planet Sun in a T-square to your sign this Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio/Taurus axis, and with all the popping opportunities, please be mindful that learning through friction might be necessary. You’re fixed fire, Taurus is fixed earth, and Scorpio is fixed water, so make sure that where you light your matches have just enough fuel to keep a contained fire burning. Deep breathing with round out the elements for balance. Mercury Retrograde in Taurus can invite conversations to further that balance; reach out to your nearest and dearest to share your needs. Self-care first.
Chiron’s very slow transit through Aries trines your natal Sun, so with Aries ruler Mars entering your sign in the third week, you’re supported to further any physical healing you’ve been politely ignoring – listen to the nudges, feel deep into the body for your solar power, it’s a beneficial time to unlock it.
Get your Virgo fuel injection as the Sun moves through Taurus! This this trining energy is ideal for getting closer to everything you love: work/health/building stuff/family outings – it’s all a major go 😊. Communication is favored and keeping the hearth alive with healthy recipes that pique the senses. Saturn transiting Pisces (your axis partner) is inviting a soft structure to your day-to-day schedule, so flexibility is paramount, something Virgo always has access to but forgets, lol… depending where your Sun sits, you could be experiencing your Sun opposing Saturn, which happens only once in 29 years, it’s such a great time to solidify your connection to your spiritual life, of which you have probably already seen glimmers. Either furthering a current practice or stumbling upon a new one, now’s the time to see the creator/creatrix within! Kinda miraculous, non?
With the big, slo-mo players at play (Saturn & Neptune transit opposite your natal Sun and Uranus trining it, not to mention Pluto reeling from the effects of just leaving your trine to Capricorn), it’s an evolutionary shift for Virgo. All life areas are going through an overhaul, sparking liberation when you least expect it, and anchoring what’s found within that freedom!
So please don’t rush the decision-making and problem-solving this May! Witness your unfolding, give yourself praise for how far you’ve come to realize your truth and its actual expression in the world. So very cool ❤️
Let’s start mid-month when the Moon transits your axis sign Aries and gives you a full moon effect. This means that from the beginning of May it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and get shit done. Finish projects and anything that you see needs balancing for the first two weeks: accounts, conversations, WD40 that squeaking door hinge…
Depending which degree your Sun holds, Chiron and Jupiter transiting Aries also give a full-reflective-like support that acts to uncover fears and wounds regarding your ego and life path. At this time, the Libra archetype can catch a glimpse of its “weaknesses” in the foundation of their very identity. Emotional inventory of any unresolved issues about their sense of purpose in life can receive big healing support at this time. This is no longer a story of me vs them but an inclusion that reads as we & us…
With your ruling planet Venus in Gemini still trining Libra for the first week of May, until its ingress into Cancer, will provide a communicative vibe for all that stuff you get to finish, so it supports the healing conversations that need to take place—look to anything you might have in Leo to support the courage you might need! Cleansing your crystals in the sun would be a terrific way to do that.
May 5th Full Moon Eclipse! Ah… Scorpio, I have my Venus there and love, but love, Scorpio Suns (and Moons and anything else for that matter, lol). Grab a boost of passion in relationships this month as the Sun moves through your axis partner Taurus. This Full Moon Eclipse in your sign is an ideal time for getting closer to loved ones and the vibe will feel kinetic throughout the first three weeks of May, so you get to relax after coming off April’s intense Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Let those energies wash through you without trying to initiate anything. You can find support from Mercury retrograde energy by returning for do-overs or fixits that will arise at this time. Just a heads up that it might not be what you necessarily want to do, but the finished job will absolutely delight you.
Money could be popping up out of nowhere, and if your Sun is in the later degrees of Scorpio, try not to spend it frivolously, though anything to do with self-care is perfectly sweet. Scorpio needs to remember that self-care is never frivolous! The trine from Neptune transiting Pisces will continue to give Scorpio Suns that groovy, creative flow… let creative acts melt any icy emotional situations.
Saturn continues its two-year journey through Pisces as well, offering considerable discipline to support your self-solarization. This trining energy could bring new opportunities for stability and solid friendships to last a lifetime. Self-trust and gentle honesty will help this energy along. Very sweet 😊
Sagittarius can engage in philosophically scintillating conversations this month as the stars align in their favor. This is a perfect time to express your feelings, share creative ideas, and explore new possibilities when it comes to love or business. Calling all cars! 🏁 Please beware of potential communication issues with Mercury retrograde in Taurus—take care not to jump the starting gun in chats or getting too caught up in arguments/gossip/unnecessary bah-blah during this transit.
Thanks to their natural enthusiasm and willingness to try something new, Sages will feel Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius as a freedom turbo charge, providing full permission to be all the weird with all the feels... others might not understand, but negotiating who you are is not on the block for any of 2023, including May Five’s Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio. With your ruling planet Jupiter still transiting Aries, that trine might tempt Sagittarians to give off a “been-there-done-that” vibe, so sit down, be humble, and plan a bit before tossing the scarf over the shoulder, lol.
Now is an ideal time for networking with influential figures or taking on challenging projects - but remember not to let yourself become overwhelmed by stress! Taking regular breaks throughout the day will help you stay productive while still enjoying what you do. Third week of May sees Mars ingress to your trine fire sign, Leo, which should keep a fixed fire burning to redo any false starts… the playful energy peaking around May 20 after Mercury goes direct.
Capricorn is feeling the pangs of separation anxiety from Pluto’s ingress to its neighboring sign Aquarius. Not to worry because it’ll soon be back, retrograding just so… you can finalize anything outstanding from its 14-year turbo evolution in your sign. We know it’s not happening TO us; it’s happening FOR us, right? This could be the mantra for you at this time.
Mercury retrograde through Taurus trines your Sun at this May, which can smooth out any communication issues that need readdressing. From May 8-21 family and physical wellbeing take the spotlight as Venus and Mars transit Cancer, your axis partner. Mercury’s higher octave Uranus is still in Taurus—Sparks. Can. Fly. Whether it’s an old flame or new, give it a moon cycle before any commitments take place because the vibe could dissipate just as easily as it came, lol, so don't be afraid to state your borders. With your ruling planet Saturn in dreamy Pisces, those clear-cut decisions you’re used to making might take a little while longer and Neptune’s influence might put a rosy sheen to something that underneath it all might have the personality of an anvil, just saying…
Your career or public life might have had an overhaul in the last three years—when Pluto leaves our sign we’ve usually evolved close toward our authentic self, so kudos for how far you’ve come! There could be a sudden influx of cash or an impromptu getaway in May, just have a contingency plan should preparations shift as suddenly as they arrived. Have fun, you’ve earned it!
With Pluto’s ingress to your sign, we can guess anything goes, right?! Depending on which house your Sun sits in, all Aquarians are headed for lengthy and wonderful opportunities of transformation—seriously, nothing short of a full metamorphosis for you all. Venus in Gemini remains trining your sign for the first week of May, so sweet talk and handicrafts are still on the table. These things are amplified by Jupiter’s transit to Aries, so stick to the truth, so there’ll be no residue to oversee after the Venus ingress to Cancer…
Aquarius can look forward to major successes this month thanks to their natural innovation and creativity and please take care to be extra attentive through the Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5—this energy squares Aquarius, so learning through friction is alive this month. It doesn’t have to be a drag if you’re aware of this potential confrontation with yourself (and potentially the Leos in your life!). Think Wild West meets diamonds in the rough—you’ll be invited to discern which energy to engage and which to leave alone. How the eclipse energy unfolds over the coming months will show you made the right choices. I ask again: please pay strict attention to your finances, self-care, and honesty, and you’ll be golden for the next half-year and onward.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
Love. Could it be clearer? With Saturn transiting Pisces, it’s time to get serious about love these next two years: Love for yourself first puts you in cahoots with Spirit. This will be soon expressed materially (Saturn): as within, so without was surely decided on during a Saturn transit, lol.
The Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 will trine your sign, so stay alert for the smooth surface to show what’s underneath. Deep feelings, spiritual insights, and calm communication is the goal. There might be a need to set boundaries for yourself and others, which will be easier to discern with this Saturn transit. It passes through Pisces once every 29 years, so make the best of it by embracing change with grace.
With all the action in Taurus this month (MercuryRX, NN, Sun, Vesta, Uranus, Juno), there’ll be abundant opportunities for Pisces to work their land legs, lol, get into the physicality of your vehicle by going on nature walks, building cool stuff like bird houses or whatever, arts and love are everywhere for you this month ☥☥☥