How Witches Prepare for Samhain

How Witches Prepare for Samhain

By:  The Otherworldly Oracle

Samhain. All Hallows Eve. Halloween. The night when the veil is at its thinnest and we witches can see through to the other side. It is a witch’s holy night in which our ancestors find their way home and break bread with us. But how do we get ready for such a sacred night? How do witches prepare for Samhain? Each of us has our own witchy traditions, but here are a few to inspire you.

Fall Cleaning

Ever heard of Spring Cleaning? Many witches partake in Fall Cleaning – the physical cleaning and decluttering of one’s home and sacred space. AND a spiritual cleansing and blessing of the home. Use white sage smudge bundles to rid your space of negative vibes. Then anoint your windows and thresholds with a protective oil. This is how witches prepare space for their ancestors on Samhain.


Your neighbors are decorating for Halloween and so can you! Just because witches celebrate Samhain doesn’t mean we can’t partake in the Halloween festivities. After all, Halloween is based on the ancient Celtic festival Samhain (Summer’s end). Whether you like to decorate with scary graveyards and ghosts in your front yard or a simple Fall display with scarecrows and hay bails, there are so many choices. But don’t exclude the interior of your home. Cleanse, consecrate, and re-decorate your altar and sacred space with Autumn décor such as acorns, pinecones, corn husks, candles, crystals and more!


What is one thing you remember about Halloween (other than candy)? Costumes, of course! Witches have a particular advantage on Samhain night – we can dress up like ourselves! Witches prepare for Samhain by planning out their costumes. Whether you plan to dress like your witchy self or to wear a costume as a spell is up to you. If you decide to dress as yourself (a witch), break out the witchy black boots, stockings, and pointed hat. If you want to dress in a costume that will bring abundance in the coming year, plan to wear a Mother Earth costume or a Lady Luck costume. Your Samhain costume doubles as a powerful spell!


Meal Planning

Witches also prepare for Samhain by planning a seasonal, sacred supper. Some witches like to hold something called a “dumb supper”, which is essentially a dinner where the ancestors are invited and the living stay silent in honor of the ancestors’ presence. If you don’t want to take part in this tradition, plan a meal your ancestors might have enjoyed and set a place at the table for them.

No matter your traditions on Halloween and Samhain, make sure you plan to have a little fun with your family and friends. Samhain was once celebrated by our ancestors in the presence of their loved ones. Being with the ones you love and honoring the ones we loved who have passed on to the other side is what Samhain is all about! 


Written by The Otherworldly Oracle , follow her site and FB group 
as it is the best online sources for information and tips on the mystic, pagan, and supernatural enthusiast.

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This is so beautifully explained. Thank you for sharing.

Eva Araceli Nakamura

Love this sight and their products too!


I love all the information hints and tip,the only thing is I’m on the other side of the planet so your fall is my spring..what should I be doing to prepare??

Tee Tomuri

Red suit tie makeup and horns. Not my thing.
The green man I could go with. White linen robes in a long staff. Sounds good but it’s a little overdone.
The techno mage from The Babylon 5 show.
That is a winner. I just can’t remember rwhat it look like. What else could I wear the man. The Knight of wands has always been my card. And the magician just like the Bill bixby show.

Chris Alford

Red suit tie makeup and horns. Not my thing.
The green man I could go with. White linen robes in a long staff. Sounds good but it’s a little overdone.
The techno mage from The Babylon 5 show.
That is a winner. I just can’t remember what it look like. What else could I wear the man. The Knight of wands has always been my card. And the magician just like the Bill bixby show.

Chris Alford

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