Guide to Spell Casting

May 06, 2021 2 Comments

Guide to Spell Casting

The first time we dive into spell casting, we feel excited and a little overwhelmed at the same time. We ask ourselves questions like “What if I fail?” or “What if something bad happens?”.

Some people believe that casting a spell means summoning malevolent entities or doing obscure and strange procedures. In reality, a spell is a spiritual way to focus on what we want and guide our mind to achieve a specific goal. Spell casting is, in fact, the process of raising and directing your energy into your intention. 

In order to give your spells the best chance of working in your favor, you need to follow these eight steps and keep pursuing your goals with consistency and determination.

What are the steps you need to take to cast a spell?
Eight steps to follow when casting a spell

Cleanse yourself and your space 

The first thing you want to do is clear your space, both physically and energetically. Start by tidying up a bit, sweep the floors, dust the shelves. A clean environment, free of clutter, will help you focus better on your ritual, as there will be no elements distracting your mind. After cleaning up, it’s time to purify the energy of your space. 

Open the windows to invite some fresh air in and burn incense or a herb wand. If smoke cleanse isn’t an available option, you can use sound, visualisation, or use a DIY purifying spray made of water and a few drops of sage or rosemary essential oil. Remember to cleanse the tools you’re going to use for your spell, to rid them of unwanted energies.

Once you’ve removed negative and stagnant vibrations from your environment, you want to make sure you are just as cleansed. Have a shower, bath, or simply wash your hands and face. Whatever you choose to do, remember to visualize the water washing away negativity and clearing your aura. 

Set your sacred space or Altar 

Setting an altar is an essential step to define your personal sacred space and separate the spiritual from the mundane world. If you don’t have a place designed for ritual work, you can set your altar somewhere that makes you feel calm and protected. 

It doesn’t necessarily have to be inside, you can perform your ritual in your garden, the beach or wherever you feel called to. If you decide to do it outside, make sure to stay away from prying eyes and generally from people who aren’t taking part in your ritual, as this may be a source of distraction. 

You don’t need fancy ritual tools for your spell work, just choose items that represent your intention and that speak to you. Decorate your altar with candles, a fireproof container or cauldron (in case your spell involves burning something), natural items such as seashells, leaves, feathers and rocks, and add an expression of the four elements if you like. You can also play some music that helps you get in the mood.

Open a circle of protection

Casting a circle means to delineate a protected space that keeps away unwanted energies and helps you get in the right mental state to carry out your spell. You can create a physical one by using salt, rocks, crystals and candles or you can trace it around you by pointing your finger, wand or incense. 

Call in the Elements 

When you open the circle, you can choose to invoke the Four Elements and ask them to guide and accompany you during your ritual.

Start by facing East and call in the Air Element. You can say something like: “Air Element, I invoke you.” Then turn South and ask the Fire Element to assist you. Turn West and call for the help of the Water Element. Finally, face North and call in the Earth Element. 

Ground and center your energy

Before you can release your intention out into the universe, you must raise and direct your energy. A grounding and centering meditation is a great way to help you gather and exchange energy with the earth.

Start by sitting cross-legged on the floor or sit on a chair with your feet on the ground. If these positions aren’t comfortable, you can stand up or lie down. Remember that you won’t need to touch the ground literally in order for the energy to flow, so don’t worry if your house is on the 10th floor!

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind from intrusive thoughts and visualize roots growing from your feet or root chakra deep into the ground, until they reach the molten core of the earth. Now visualize the center of the earth being made of warm and soothing white light. Your roots start to soak up the earth’s energy until it travels all the way up and fills your entire body. Finally, envision this energy flowing to your core. You are now grounded and your energy is centered.  

Define your intention 

Now it’s time to turn your attention to what you wish to manifest. At this stage you want to be as clear as possible. Begin by picturing yourself already having what you want and be specific about how you will feel once your desire has come to realization. After you’ve gathered your thoughts, make sure to write them down in your journal or a piece of paper: this will turn your wishes into written words, thus giving it a physical form. Remember to remove all negativity and doubts, avoid using verbs like “I wish”, “I’d like” or “I want” and replace them with “I have” “I am” or “I do”.

Once your intention has been expressed, hold your tools in your hands and charge them with your energy. For each tool you hold, close your eyes and envision your energy moving from your core, through your hands and into the object. Keep your goal in mind for the whole time.

Cast the spell 

Here comes the most exciting part of spell casting. Now that your sacred space has been set, your energy has been channeled, and your intention has been defined, you can finally let the magic happen! Remember to stay concentrated on your goal and speak it into existence.  

Finish the spell and close the circle

Conclude your ritual by giving thanks to the Universe for fulfilling your request. You can say something like: “Thank you Universe for allowing me to manifest all of my desires. I feel profoundly blessed and grateful for everything I have and everything that’s on my way.”

Although you may or may not believe that what is meant to be will find its way to you, casting a spell is a mystifying, empowering and fun way to give your desires an extra change to turn into reality!

Ambra La Terra, IG @starchildwitch

2 Responses


November 16, 2021

Thank you so much ! I’ve wanting to learn more & this this beautiful. I feel lucky to have found you.


May 08, 2023

Is there a way I can download this to print out for later use?

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