Moving into February, we welcome a new wave of balanced energy into our lives. It’s Aquarius season, baby, and that means it’s all about freedom and independence. Known as the water bearer, Aquarius season is often the time in which many of us undergo a lot of emotional healing and let go of old views of the world. This is also a powerful time for new ideas and brainstorming for the future, and can help us to find new ideas for how we wish to progress in our future.
Outside of the Aquarius, we also have other influences coming from other areas this month. Starting off, on the 11th, Mercury enters Aquarius, bringing expansion in our way of thinking that could invite an enlightened view of the future. Around the 18th, we enter Pisces season, bringing a deeper connection with our subconscious, emotions, and intuition, making this a powerful time of grounding and connecting deeper with ourselves. Lastly, around the 19th, Venus enters Aries, which is likely to allow the signs to take action in pursuing new love and help us to channel more confidence along the way.
All around, February is likely to be a powerful time of independence, enlightenment, increased awareness, and grounding. But, to give you a better idea of some energies that may be present around you this month, today, we're going to go over what energies and changes each Zodiac sign can expect throughout February and how you can adjust your life to make the most of them.
Aries (March 21st - April 19th):
Starting with Aries, with the energy of the month guiding the way for you, you could see yourself undergoing some emotional changes. With Aquarian and Piscean energy encouraging a deeper connection with your emotions and more independence, don’t be surprised if you find yourself working through limiting beliefs of the past and welcoming new perspectives into your life. Above all else, this is likely to be a good month for reconnecting with yourself and your path and discovering what you truly want out of 2023.
In your career, some new expansion is possible in your work this month thanks to the supportive planetary influences. As such, this could be an auspicious time for you to delve into some new projects and start putting them into motion. With Aquarius, the bringer of new ideas influencing you, now is the perfect time to delve within and see what new ideas may be waiting to be discovered.
In love, February could be a good month for couples to express themselves more authentically. Bonds may feel closer, emotions may become balanced, and it could be a great time for finding stability. For singles, this could be a good month to step out of your comfort zone. If you’ve wanted to find new love recently, don’t be afraid to be bold and chase after it this month.
Taurus (April 20th - May 20th):
For Taurus, the month of February is likely to be a busy one full of productivity. However, it could also be a time of new enlightenment for you. With new ideas in the air and Pisces’s intuitive influence around you, you may begin to understand that this current path you’re on may not be where you want to be, and you may decide to make a change on it. Whatever you do, your happiness is the most important thing, Taurus. Let go of anything that isn’t adding to it.
In your career, a new wave of inspiration and motivation could overcome your work life this month and could have you developing new ideas for your future. Don’t be afraid to be bold with what you want, as new ideas often come to those willing to reach for them. Trust the process and follow your heart, and you aren’t likely to have any issues.
In love, couples should allow things to unravel as they are meant to. With Piscean energy encouraging a deeper connection with our emotions, this could cause emotions to be heightened, which could stir issues if not handled properly. Choose to take things slow and enjoy the stillness together. For singles, if new love is what you’re seeking, align yourself with the energies of it this month. Put your intention out there and stick to its truth, and it’s sure to guide you to where you need to be.
Gemini (May 21st - June 20th):
For Gemini, February could be a good time for you to become more serious about a certain goal. With expansion on your horizon, February could have you taking on new responsibilities, dreaming bigger, and taking the leap towards something new. Trust your ambition and that fire within you, and allow it to illuminate the way to new beginnings. Anything is possible, Gem. This month, you’re bound to realize that more than ever.
In your career, new opportunities could be developing this month, which could pave the way to new advancements in your future. If you’ve got ideas that you’re looking to make known or act on, now could be an opportunistic time for it. More than anything, it seems like a good month to pick up the pace and navigate the path ahead with more fire than before.
In love, the future could be on your mind, and this could be a good time for you to lean on one another for support in building it. Dream big, mighty Gemini. The future is in your hands, and together with the one you love, who knows what you could create. For singles, new opportunities to get social and meet new people could be around you this month and could help you to grow more aware of what you really want. More than anything, remember to trust the Universe to guide you to where you need to be.
Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd):
For Cancer, February is likely to be a month of change for you. Things have been building for you lately, and growth is likely to follow after that this month. It’s time to stop settling for people and situations that aren’t good for you and remember your worth. This month, be open to creative opportunities, and don’t be afraid to make a change if you feel it’s in your best interest. Your happiness is non-negotiable, Cancer. Make it your priority this month more than anything else, and watch what magic unfolds.
In your career, expansion is likely to be a key theme for you moving into February. You may be considering changing career paths, finding a new job, or leaving an old one. And honestly, whatever you feel like you need to do, you should trust that. New opportunities are waiting to be found, but you often have to let go of old ones before you can truly find them. Listen to your intuition, and if it’s telling you to act, this may be a good time to do so.
In love, with so much happening within and around you, this could be a good time for you to seek comfort in your partner. Plan some time for just the two of you and make it a priority to reconnect this month. Any stress that may be around you is sure to dissipate through time and effort. For singles, you may be busy with work and other areas of your life this month that romance may not be a focus. If you are looking for something new in love, take time for both areas of your life. You’re bound to find a way to meet in the middle if you get a little creative.
Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd):
For Leo, an ambitious month of action is likely to be ahead of you in February. If you’ve been looking to put in more work on a creative project or further your growth, now is likely to be a good time. More than anything, remember to keep your footing this month, Leo. Overworking yourself can spread your work thin and can leave you feeling burnt out. More than anything, remember to find a balance between action and rest.
In your career, you’ve already been doing a lot as it is, Leo, but don’t let that stop you from reaching for the stars. This month, you’re likely to push the boundaries and reach beyond what you thought you were once capable of. Now is the time to plan and figure out what it is you truly want. And if and when an opportunity arises aligned with your vision, don’t be afraid to take a leap towards it and seize all of the opportunities surrounding it.
In love, with all the busyness around you, make sure you make plenty of time to reconnect with one another to keep your balance and keep things thriving between you two. With a slower pace, this could be a good month of appreciating one another more and could help to open better communication which could not only help with unloading your stress but may also help with developing new ideas moving forward. For singles, you may be seeking something new and wondrous, and this could be the month to manifest it. Keep your options open, and your head held high. The right person will see you for who you are and adore you for it.
Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd):
For Virgo, this could be a good month of putting in some work, Virgo. With new opportunities blossoming with the new year, this could be a good time for you to reconnect with others and focus on teamwork. You may find yourself more social than usual and may begin to see opportunities for collaboration in every interaction. Don’t be afraid to extend a hand and see how you can help others and how they can help you. This may be just what you need to reach the next stage in your life.
In your career, this could be a productive month for you in the workplace that could usher you that much closer to your dreams. Remain open and friendly, and don’t shy away from new ideas that may come to you from those around you. With a little innovation, who knows where these ideas could lead you? And what recognition and appreciation they may bring on top of it.
In love, with Venus’s influence and the sentimental Pisces around us, this could be a good time to pull closer to your partner. Make time for just the two of you and focus on building a stronger relationship together. Whatever you do, taking time to just focus on one another and build new memories is likely to be good for you. For singles, if you want new love, you have to be willing to put yourself out there for it. Don’t let society's standards of love set the tone for how you approach it. Stay true to yourself and keep anything that doesn’t feel authentic out of it.
Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd):
For Libra, this month is likely to bring productivity and better pacing into your life. If you’ve struggled to get things in the flow before, February is likely to turn that around for you. You could also seek more stable connections with loved ones, friends, and business partners this month as well, which could help you become more outgoing and build better teamwork. All around, it seems like a great time to connect, move forward, and get your priorities straightened.
In your career, new insights and new creativity are likely to work together to usher you to new areas of expansion at your job. With new things circulating, this could be an excellent time to put yourself out there more and show your job what you’re truly capable of. In weak areas, don’t be afraid to lean on coworkers for support or share your ideas with someone trusted. Either way, it seems like now is a good time to figure out how you’re going to build a new foundation for growth.
In love, couples could find themselves going through a period of increased emotion moving forward. This could be a good time for you two to reconnect and rekindle any flickering areas of your love and just spend time with one another. For singles, this could be a month of new beginnings for you. If you’ve struggled in the past to find love, a new wave of confidence and attraction could be blossoming within you and could work in your favor in attracting someone new.
Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st):
For Scorpio, this could be a good month for you to reconnect with your life more. If you’ve been feeling stressed or out of it recently, this could be an important wake-up call for you to prioritize yourself more. Take more time for yourself this month, rest, and focus on the things that make you happy. While new beginnings may be a part of the new year, they should never cancel out your need to rest. Rejuvenate yourself this month and prioritize yourself and your well-being above all else.
In your career, with the influence of the planets, some opportunity for expansion may be around you this month. However, it may be hard to see at times, and you may have to dig a little deeper to find it. Diligent work is key this month, and you’re likely to have no problem in that area. Keep your options open and keep your focus. If something new is meant for you, it will come to you in no time.
In love, relationships could pull closer this month, welcoming positive waves of love between the two of you. As such, this could be a good time for you to reconnect on a whole new level and work on building a happier home between the two of you. For singles, you may not feel rushed to find new love this month, but opportunities are still likely to be around you. Align with the flow of the Universe and have patience. It will guide you to a new love when the time is right.
Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st):
For Sagittarius, things seem to be going smoothly for you, Sag, and February is likely to continue that streak. This month, thoughts of the future may be on your mind, and it could be a good time for you to reconnect with the passion within you and start creating a realistic plan for how to achieve it. From work to your dreams, now is a good time to slow down, plan, and see what you can do to make those dreams a reality. Reconnect with loved ones, have fun, and just focus on yourself, Sag. Truly, when was the last time you allowed yourself time to do that?
In your career, planetary influences could bring about a boost of new energy to your work life. All around, your creativity is likely to spike, and this could be a good time for you to build up new connections with the people around you. Overall, it seems a smooth month awaits you with plenty of opportunities to go the extra mile if you want to.
Romantically, couples could find themselves feeling happy this month. With the warm and loving influence around you, this could be a good time for you to spend time with one another and build new memories. For singles with a confident new glow about them, this could be a good month for attracting someone new. With the planetary influences on your side, you are magnetic, Sag. Allow your confidence to be a guiding light toward something new and wonderful.
Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th):
For Capricorn, while things may have been stressful lately, this is a good time to slow your roll and find your footing again. If you’ve been overworking yourself or falling into bad habits, now is the time to catch yourself and make a change. Directing your energy elsewhere may do well for you this month, even if you’re not quite yet sure where you want to go with it. Whatever you do, allow yourself time to think and reflect. This could be a savior in figuring out what you want from your life and how you can go about aligning with it.
In your career, this could be a good time for some innovation. Individuals could see their strides pay off and could bring the potential for bigger rewards in the future. Entrepreneurs may also be feeling especially auspicious this month as new opportunities continue to open around them. All around, it seems like a good month for stability and good pacing.
In love, more of a focus is likely to be put on your romantic life this month, and you could find yourself pulling closer to it for better stability. If issues were keeping you apart, they are likely to clear this month and allow you to invest some time and energy into your relationship. For singles, despite the busyness around you, it is the month of love, making it a good time to get out and meet some new people. Some unexpected encounters could bring new waves of love into your life, and you may have to turn inward to learn how best to navigate it.
Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th):
For Aquarius, expansion and growth are likely making their way into your life this month. New opportunities and responsibilities are possible, and you may find yourself in the unique position to ask yourself what comes next. While times may seem tough, this is a beautiful time to realize you can do anything you want to. Take time to reflect on what it is that you’ve always wanted to do, and start making plans to make that dream a reality.
In your career, this could be a good month to show the workplace what you’re truly made of. Eyes are likely to be on you this month. As such, this could be a good time to show off your skills and make things happen. If you aren’t ready to flaunt your stuff, work on strengthening the bonds around you. Who knows—doing so could even land you something better than what you already have and could be a much-welcomed blessing.
In love, stress from your personal life could threaten to breach your relationship this month, and it will be up to you to keep it out. Keeping everyday stress away from your love can help to strengthen it, and help the atmosphere remain calm and positive, which is likely to be exactly what you need right now. For singles, a new love could be around you this month and could help inspire you to get out there more. Channel your inner voice, tell the Universe what you want, and you’re sure to find it in no time.
Pisces (February 19th - March 20th):
Lastly, for Pisces, moving into your sign this month, you’re likely to move into a period of comfort and enlightenment. You’re likely to feel more at ease this month, and things around you are likely to flow a little easier and inspire new ideas and creativity in your life. All around, this could be a good month for you to find and achieve balance in your life again and let all the rest fall behind you. Focus on yourself and what your definition of happiness is. Then, go after it.
For your career, feeling confident, this could be a good month to get productive in the workplace. You’re starting to recognize more of what you’re capable of, and that’s a beautiful thing, Pisces. Put that mighty confidence to use, and who knows what rewards may be waiting for you?
In love, while we linger in your sign, you’re likely to feel more connected with your partner this month, and this fire could ignite new embers to burn between you. Use this energy to your advantage and try to make the most of each other’s company. For singles, you may feel a need to get out there a little more this month, and honestly, why not? Let your confidence set your free and allow you to enjoy yourself on a whole new level. This could be a big stepping stone to finding the person of your dreams.
Overall, the month of February is likely to be an auspicious time for many. From increased awareness, enlightenment, opportunity, and connection to our intuition, this is likely to be a good month to sort your life out more and figure out where you want to go with it in the future. Trust your intuition, listen to your emotions, and allow your heart to guide you toward the life of your dreams.
Happy February!
*It’s important to note that these are all generic predictions based on the positioning of the planets and the season and all vary per sign and individual. These predictions do not promise or guarantee any specific outcome, energy, or situation and should be read for entertainment only.*