Bruja/o/x culture (brujería), stem from an ancient set of mystical beliefs and practices that have been passed down through generations in Latin America. It has its roots in the indigenous spiritual traditions of the region, as well as elements from African and European cultures and today’s Instagram hashtags #bruja and # brujería have over 2M posts combined.
As other magical practices, brujería orbits honoring spirits and deities, divination, nurturing specific traditional healing methods such as curanderismo, and rituals to protect oneself from negative energy. Get yer charms out!
In Latin American countries like Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, and Brazil it is still a vibrant part of daily life for many people, though there are some variations depending on location. The original practice was brought over by Spanish conquistadors during their colonization of the Americas, and the stories say the cobblestone streets were “paved in slave bones”—see a pattern of repressed magic much? Seems everywhere we turn there’s a need to rise up from the lid put on us for being natural… No longer, though. You watch! This next 20 years will have diverse magical cultures openly practicing without fear, the time is nigh 😊🌿☽🌕☾
Now evolved into something unique to each region, brujería remains a source of immense pride for those who practice this tradition, which continues to hold strong despite attempts to marginalize or even eradicate it.
The Nature of Bruja Culture
Spirits and divination are integral to the bruja, which is simply the Spanish word for witch. The belief in spirits and the practice of divination help to guide individuals through their lives by providing insight into their past, present, and future. These spiritual practices involve rituals such as offering prayer or tribute to spirits in order to receive guidance or protection from them. In addition, divining tools such as tarot cards can be used to interpret messages from the spirit world.
Traditional beliefs and practices are at the core of brujo culture. For example, curanderismo is a traditional healing method based on ancient wisdom with strong roots in indigenous cultures that use herbs and plants for medicinal purposes. This practice also involves using prayers, chants, and invocations to invoke spiritual forces for healing purposes. Other beliefs include honoring ancestors through offerings or sacrifices; using amulets for protection against bad luck; participating in ceremonies like saint days or holy festivals; practicing sacred music like maracatu drumming; utilizing magical objects such as candles with specific symbols carved on them; engaging in cleansing rituals involving water or smoke baths; respecting animal totems associated with certain qualities which influence a person’s life path according to their birth date, etc.
It inspires joy in me as I study the similarities of how the colors and symbols play a significant role within bruja culture—the recipes may present differently but these modes of healing and love are universal.
Common Practices
Santería is an extremely cool Afro-Caribbean spiritual tradition that originated in Cuba and other Caribbean islands. It combines elements of Catholicism and West African Yoruba beliefs, where the gods or ‘orishas’ are worshiped through various rituals and offerings. Santeria is a polytheistic religion that venerates many deities, each related to specific natural forces such as love or fertility. These deities can be summoned for divine protection or guidance, with practitioners engaging in elaborate ceremonies involving music, dance, prayer, and animal sacrifice.
Curanderismo refers to traditional folk healing practices found throughout Latin America which involve herbal remedies as well as spiritual cleansing and divination techniques used for physical ailments such as headaches or stomachaches but also psychological issues like depression or anxiety. Curanderos (traditional healers) use herbs, teas, poultices and incantations to bring about balance between body mind spirit while making sure their clients remain spiritually guarded from any harmful intentions directed towards them by others.
Spiritual healing is another important aspect that involves invoking the power of spirits to restore harmony within a person's life on both physical and spiritual levels. This type of healing involves chanting prayers or invocations; burning candles; smudging with sage; using crystals; singing songs associated with certain spirits, etc… All these activities create an environment conducive to restoring balance within oneself while inviting positive energies into one's life at the same time.
Contemporary Influences
The effect of religion on bruja culture is an important consideration. While it is rooted in ancient indigenous spiritual practices, the influence of Christianity and Catholicism has been significant, particularly in Latin American countries like Mexico and Peru which have a large Catholic population. This has led to some blending between traditional beliefs and Christian teachings – for example, statues of saints may be venerated alongside figures from pre-Hispanic mythology or African deities.
Popular bruja figures are often associated with contemporary expressions of this tradition: Mexican singer Lila Downs incorporates music inspired by her own mix of Indigenous heritage into her work; Peruvian author María Rostworowski writes about Andean spirituality; Cuban healer Miriam Ayala’s practice focuses on healing negative energies using—among other intelligences—herbs, stones, and symbols; Brazilian medium João de Deus uses trance states to commune with spirits during his sessions.
Influences in Latinx pop culture can also be seen when looking at how brujería expresses itself through popular music, TV, and films such as Disney Pixar’s Coco, the animated film that celebrates the Mexican tradition known as Día de Muertos or Narcos Mexico, which follows a group involved in drug trafficking across the US/Mexico border during the 1980s. These works draw attention to aspects of this cultural heritage that otherwise might remain unknown outside their communities while providing insight into its current state within our society.
“At the core, brujería and witchcraft are healing arts. As a bruja, I want to teach people the positive sides of witchcraft and brujería and how they can help you change your life.” —Valeria Ruelas
Despite its misunderstood reputation, bruja culture is a rich and powerful tradition that has been practiced for centuries in Latin America. Its spiritual practices are rooted in indigenous worldviews that honor the power of nature and seek to bring balance between body, mind, spirit and the environment. Today it continues to influence many aspects of life throughout Latin American countries while being embraced by those living abroad too – from musicians incorporating Afro-Caribbean rhythms into their music to healers utilizing traditional remedies alongside modern techniques like aromatherapy or energy work. This blend of old and new serves as an important reminder that embracing our cultural heritage can empower us on both personal and collective levels. This recognition can be instrumental in creating a more inclusive society where all individuals regardless of background feel seen and appreciated for who they are.
LOOOVE this read!! Very informative!! 💜
Great article…