You don't want to end up disrupting the spell in any way after all.
If you are looking for a way to dispose of those extra candle stubs or pieces of wax that are just sitting around when you finish your candle spell, take a look at the tips below.

1. Bury Them
Burying anything associated with a spell is a long-held tradition among those who practice.
There are a variety of ways you can go about burying your extra bits of a candle to keep the energy of the spell intact after your candle magic spell is completed.
Look at the intentions of the spell you performed. If you are trying to bring about something new to your life then you should bury the candles in your front yard.
If your intention is to keep something around that is already present then you should bury them in your backyard.
If you don't have a yard or don't feel right about digging it up, you can bury the leftover candles in a houseplant.
When it comes to spells on the negative spectrum, if you're attempting to banish someone or get rid of something, then you shouldn't bury the candles anywhere near your home. Bury them somewhere a good distance away to keep the energy from affecting you.
It's important to remember that you should only bury candle pieces that are made entirely from natural wax like beeswax. Candles with paraffin in them can be harmful to the environment.
2. Throw Them Away
It is possible to get rid of leftover candles and other spell ingredients by simply throwing them away. But you shouldn't simply throw them in the trash can in your home, as this can cause the energy from the spell to linger.
Dispose of the candles in an outside trash can or dumpster in order to release the energy away from your home. If the spell you conducted has to do with something that you don't want around you, make sure the trash can you toss it in doesn't belong to you.
You can even go so far as to take the leftovers to an actual landfill to get rid of them if you are so inclined.
3. Melt Them Down
As with most things in magic, fire is a powerful tool to get things done. If you want to completely dispose of the leftovers from your candle to release all of the spell energy into the universe, consider using heat to burn it all away.
Melting the rest of the candle wax down is a good way to get rid of it without having any tangible evidence left behind. Just heat them up and let them melt away until you are satisfied.

4. Reshape Them
In the event that you'd like to keep the wax close to you because you performed a spell for something such as love or prosperity, then you should consider forming it into something new.
Use a hair drier or a heat gun to warm up the wax until it's at a point that it can be easily molded.
You can use your hands to form the wax into something new like a heart or a circle. It might even be beneficial to carve something into the new wax shape, adding to the intentions you set during your spell.
Keep the newly formed wax on your altar or in a place that is personal to you so that the energy stays with you until your spell has run its course.
Handle All Leftover Spell Ingredients With Care.
Whatever it is that you have remaining once you finish working a spell should be taken care of with all the consideration in the world. These magical components hold the power you put into them, even something as simple as candle wax.
It's not necessary to hold on to your leftovers forever, but you should always keep in mind what your intentions are and how you want that energy released. Once you have a good grasp on these things, you can decide where and how is best to dispose of them.

Written by The Witchcraft Way. Follow the site and find them on Instagram for more witchcraft tips, spells, and merriment for the modern witch.

I take my good affirmations and planted with beeswax with lavender plants outdoors but indoors I take candles and melt them as much as I can and pour remaining wax into tins or recycle remaining wax, let cool pop it out and I put it in plastic container and date and refrigerate it, to be able to melt it down again to combine to make your own scent candles 😊✨
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Any candles used for cursing, banishment or hexing should be burried far from 🏡 your property. If you live in a unit take it outdoors or in a pot plant. If the spell was too bring something new or something already there it’s cool to bury in your back yard. Blessed be.
Most candle magic is done with free will in mind it takes blood magic, death magic or sometimes sex magic to do anything to take away someone’s free will, candle magic isn’t uber into taking away free will. Candles deal with fire, while powerful it just doesn’t have the ability to really do the whole taking away free will.
I did to candles. The first one i was told it worked but to get a second one to confirm the candle worked but after catching him on a dating app last night and catching him up in lies i blew the 2nd half way candle out. I dont believe they work