Some have claimed their witch-hood, while others simply drop clues. Here are 13 famous celebrity witches, magical practitioners, and those who we believe practice witchcraft behind closed Hollywood doors.
- Stevie Nicks
This is an obvious one. When we think celebrity witches, most of us think of Stevie Nicks. Though she’s quietly admitted in random interviews to being a magical practitioner, her songs scream WITCH to us. Stevie writes and sings about all things magical including crystals, blackbirds, the moon, black cats, and mystical women. While it may just be an eccentric persona, she’s carried on for all these years, we witches know better.
During a Fleetwood Mac tour. Taken from Stevie Nicks twitter
- Princess Nokia
The recent song “Brujas” by Princess Nokia cast a spell on the world of witches and muggles alike. In the music video, a small group of beautiful Afro-Latina women join together oceanside and in the forest. The forest scene is straight out of the 90’s cult classic The Craft, depicting a small coven of women practicing magic and initiating themselves into a secret witchcraft tradition. Princess Nokia sings “casting spells with my cousins, I’m the head of this coven.” Was it just a ploy for money and fame? You be the judge.
- Jimmy Page
The guitarist for Led Zeppelin caused a stir when he purchased Boleskine Manor, the once-home of Aleister Crowley, near Loch Ness, Scotland in 1970. Rumors spread that Jimmy Page must have been a Satanist or witch of some sort to purchase a home where “the wickedest man in the world” once conducted dark ceremonial rituals. The caretakers of Boleskine Manor have all reported paranormal activity over the years. While Jimmy doesn’t come out and say he’s a magical practitioner, in an interview at the University of Oxford, he admits he was “interested” in Eastern and Western esotericism and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Photo: Warner Bros.
- David Bowie
With Bowie’s obvious leanings towards magical concepts, it’s no wonder he is celebrated in the form of tarot only a few years following his death.
- Madonna
While perhaps not a “witch” per se, Madonna has been rather open about her interest in mysticism for the past few decades. In the 1990’s, Madonna claims she found Kabbalah while pregnant with her eldest daughter. Her music was influenced and inspired by her new spiritual pursuits and gave us the brilliant music video for “Frozen” in the late 90’s with Madonna as a shapeshifting desert woman in all black.
- Florence Welch
A HUGELY popular rock-pop band in the witchy community is Florence + The Machine. Florence Welch, singer and songwriter, continually pumps out exotic, emotionally-fueled music that appeals to the magic in all of us. Though she claims to be Catholic, Florence uses many occult-themed lyrics in her songs. The music video for “No Light, No Light” boasts an almost-Voodoo type atmosphere, and nearly every song Florence writes has some kind of supernatural undertones. Florence has admitted in an interview with a journalist that she “started a witch coven” in her middle school years.

Photo By Tom Beard / Universal Music Canada
- Chelsea Wolfe
The fairly-new gothic rock musician Chelsea Wolfe has openly supported witchcraft, saying she “thinks its great” that a group of girls identify as “witches”. Wolfe’s songs like “Vex”, “Iron Moon”, “The Culling” and “The Ancients” paints the pagan community a picture of a woman who is a powerful witch herself. We look forward to Wolfe’s future witchcraft-inspired music.
- Kate Bush
Rumors have circulated for years that Kate Bush is a witch, or at the very least, is a member or associated with the Order of the Golden Dawn. Fans and non-fans point out the lyrics in Kate’s songs that seem too close to being actual magical rituals and chants than mundane pop songs. Her song “Waking the Witch” feeds into the rumors with Latin lyrics like “Spiritus Sanctus in nomine” which translates to “the Holy name”. And “I question your innocence. She’s a witch”. You can find occult influence in nearly every Kate Bush album if you know what you’re looking for.
- Hillary Clinton
When Hillary Clinton ran for president against Trump in 2016, she was called all sorts of things by the public. One of those labels was “witch”. Rumors flew around the internet that Clinton was a part of a coven in L.A. and that she used magic to influence her political campaign. The conclusion is Hillary Clinton is most likely NOT a witch in a coven, but rather became part of a “witch hunt” to oust her from being elected as first female president of the United States. What do you think?
- Sully Erna
The lead singer of the popular 90’s rock band Godsmack, Sully Erna, openly admits to practicing witchcraft as his religion. One of Erna’s most popular quotes still circulates numerous Pinterest witchy boards “It’s been my salvation. A lot of people are confused about witchcraft. It’s simply about worshiping the power of the Earth.” In addition to practicing witchcraft, Erna proudly claims to be Wiccan, as well.
- Fairuza Balk
When everyone learned Fairuza Balk, a.k.a. Nancy Downs of the popular 90’s movie The Craft, purchased an old occult shop in L.A., everyone knew she was really a witch. Or did they? While Balk clearly has an interest in witchcraft and occult topics, she has never come out and said she was a witch or pagan, for that matter. However, you have to have some sort of interest in the esoteric realm if you purchase a metaphysical shop, right? And her role as Nancy Downs in The Craft still leaves us believing in the magic within Fairuza.
- Beyonce
Ahhh, Queenie…is she a witch too? Certainly no stranger to magical theatrics, Beyonce claims to be Christian yet just last year was accused of “extreme witchcraft” by her ex-drummer. A woman who played drums for Beyonce for seven years recently tried placing a restraining order against Beyonce for “murdering her kitten” and using dark sex magic against her. The judge denied the request but it has us all wondering if the drummer’s claims are true or false. When Beyonce told everyone she had an “alter ego” named Sasha Fierce, we wondered if she wasn’t just a witch but also possessed by evil spirits. While Beyonce’s ties to Jay Z seem to allude they are both a part of magical secret society, neither Beyonce nor Jay Z confirm having any interest in the esoteric realms.

- Bjork
“And it’s pagan poetry, pagan poetry.” Bjork has outright stated she’s been drawn to the occult since her teens on multiple occasions. And is it no wonder we believe she’s a witch when her first band’s name KUKL is supposedly the Medieval Icelandic term for witchcraft? Songs like “Pagan Poetry” and “The Juniper Tree” only confirm what we always knew about Kate Bush’s magical abilities.

Do you know of any accused or acclaimed celebrity witches?
Written by The Otherworldly Oracle , follow her site and FB group
as it is the best online sources for information and tips on the mystic, pagan, and supernatural enthusiast.
Cover image by: @annetteb
Stevie Nicks recording label was Welsh Witch on at one of her solo albums. maybe more.
Also Fairuza Balk Played Mildred Hubble in The Worst Witch. An adorable 80s coming of age witch story. I highly recommend it for young witches 🧡
Another famous must be witchy duo is Heart! At the concert the whole backdrop had witchy images, plus they redid a bunch of zeppelin songs. Kashmir is another, gotta listen to the lyrics💖🧙♀️🔮
Love this
You forgot Matt Skiba of Blink 182, who admitted to using Witchcraft to hex the Fyre Festival.