10 Self-Care Tips that Will Cost You Nothing!

10 Self-Care Tips that Will Cost You Nothing!

Life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, there are times that we are faced with adversities. Life's way of saying that we need to take a break from whatever we're doing and reconnect with our center and start taking care of ourselves. Stress is everywhere and it's up to us to look the other way and find something that will free our soul. This is where self-care concept comes in. Practicing self-care isn't always easy. We often neglect me-time because we usually feel guilty to take some time to take care fo ourselves. In order to live a happier life, one must take a step back and reassess everything.
We believe that being happy and taking care of yourself doesn't have to cost a thing. Getting started in self-care may be a challenge but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take the first step to do it. Self-care isn't always spa appointments, retail therapy or luxurious traveling. Together let's find balance and peace through these 10 approachable self-care pointers that are totally free!

1. Unplug

Probably the most common and the go-to self-care ritual almost all of us need. In this day and age where we face our gadgets more than we have face-to-face conversations, it is important to unplug. As amazing as technology can be, the Internet has been proved countless times as a toxic environment. You can find yourself always chasing the FOMO mindset, therefore, becoming less productive. Being constantly online gives us an excuse not to go out and experience the real world. We get consumed by the tiny glowing screens like insects drawn to lights. Do yourself a favor and try a digital detox. Even if it's only for a couple of hours before bedtime or during the weekend. It'll give your eyes and your brain a rest.

2. Meditate

Get your OM on! Meditation won't cost you anything. Just isolate yourself somewhere in your house, sit down, and close your eyes or lie down in a comfy, quiet area. Recollect and get connected with your thoughts spiritually. Meditation is a way to train the human mind. It doesn't only help with one's concentration, it'll also help reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. If you find it hard to be zen in the beginning, try focusing on your breathing while repeating a single word or mantra. We highly recommend it. Find the balance within! 

3. Closet purge (declutter)

After cleaning up your thoughts, it's now time to declutter your life! Time to KonMari your life; throw away or donate things that don't spark joy. Stop holding out to things thinking you'll use then soon but not really. It's not healthy to keep things that don't actually have any use. Having so many things in your house can cause stress and anxiety. If you find clutter, try organizing and see how it'll perk up your mood. Clean out your closet, living room, bedroom, and kitchen! After that organize a garage sale and donate. You're not only getting your space cleaned you'll also be able to help someone. It's a win-win!



4. Walk and experience nature

Imagine walking down the sidewalk, through a park, forest, or somewhere you can connect with nature. Part of reconnecting with the real world is actually going out to the real world and experiencing it, not just ogling at pictures of beautiful sceneries and destinations on Instagram. Take some time off of work, don't worry a day or two will do, go on campings/road trips to somewhere you can disconnect with the stressors and connect with nature! Besides, breathing some fresh air is always a good idea! Stop and smell the roses or forest pines why don't ya?

5. Catch up with an old friend or loved one

This is something everyone should do regardless of it being a self-care tip. Call up a friend you haven't talk to in ages, talk to a loved one you miss dearly. Deep and meaningful "good" conversation with close souls can charge your energy and mind for days! It doesn't have to be about personal life challenges...History, Books, The state of the world, Music or a Podcast you have been listening too can expend to a delightful hour/s-long conversation, over the phone or skype or even in person while taking a nice walk together. Talking with friends and family will actually help relieve stress... Who says that the art of conversation isn't alive and kicking?

6. Volunteer

Giving back is always good for one's soul and it will boost a community's morale as well. You get to help plus you get to improve your health and happiness. There are so many charity and organizations that accept volunteers or donation. With the right organization or charity, Volunteering can help reduce stress, combat depression, find friends, and connect with the community. Just simply research, look for a cause that's close to your heart. You'll feel like you're making a difference one volunteering task at a time! Doing good will make you feel good. 

7. Find a new hobby or revisit an old one

Ever had a love for painting? Have an untouched sewing machine? or a green thumb? You should get back to it or try a new one! There are tons of fun activities you can explore and embrace as your own. Hobbies won't only save you from dying of boredom, but also help you keep centered as well as boost your confidence and self-esteem. These hobbies become part of our lives and delight us of the wonders of the world.



8. Catch up on your fave blogs, podcasts, and vlogs

Consuming content and learning new things is also a form of self-care. Start reading on that blog you've been bookmarking for ages but haven't had the time to read. Go ahead and watch the video of your favorite vlogger or a tutorial you've been dying to see. These things are a form of entertainment, just make sure to watch quality content(Bad content is equal to brain "Junk-food).
Indulge yourself, have fun! 

9. Dance to your favorite upbeat music

Did you know that when the body feels good, the mind does too? Well, if you didn't, now you do! Blast your favorite dance music on and just shake your body! Allow yourself to be lost in the beat and let loose. Dancing is a form of exercise that will guarantee a good time. Flexing all your tired, cramped or neglected muscles and joints. releases happy hormones. You can even invite your friends, kids or roommates and just have an awesome dance party!

10. Write down 5 things you are thankful for

Sometimes, due to our busy schedule, we tend to overlook the important things in our lives; having a home, family, able to eat a meal, a job (despite the stress), or just simply being alive! By simply writing down the things that we are thankful for, we're reminding ourselves that there is more to life than problems. Being aware of the positive things in life, We fight off the brain’s natural inclination to scan for and spot the negatives. Breathe in fresh air and focus on these things.  It'll help us find contentment. Practicing gratitude can shift your life perception. 
Little by little you'll have more and more to be thankful for.

We hope you start taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. No matter what approach you choose to practice Self-care, Our goal is to give you enough options.  May this article help you in that journey. Share this with anyone you think that needs to read this. And if you have any more cost-free self-care tips, please share it with us in the comment section below!
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1 comment

My daughter sent this to me because I have been I’ll and things where ganging up on me. I will try some of these! I am not able to do all of them as I am partially disabled, but I will do what I can!

Carol Poulis

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