If you’re interested in healing magic or a practitioner of a modern magical tradition, having magical herbs in your witchcraft supplies can be beneficial. Herbs have been used for centuries, both medicinally and ritually. Because the power of these herbs is extremely strong, many pagans and witches use these plants as part of their regular magic and ritual practice.
Every herb has its own characteristics and magickal properties, and these features make them different from other plants. These magical herbs are some of nature’s most incredible gifts and working with them is one of the rewarding ways to practice magic. These plants have powerful properties that can enhance and magnify the effect of your magic spells. Whether it’s for protection, purification, healing, strength, health, beauty, money or success, there is always an herb associated with your purposes.
The biggest reason behind the usage of different herbs in witchcraft, spell casting, deviations, natural cosmetics, and magical rituals is that because they have positive energies with them. By getting to know each herb and the energies these plants emit from within them, you can learn how to work influential magic for yourself and others. Learning about these energies in herbs and how to use them may take years.
If you’re not sure which herbs are the best to do magical working, keep reading while we’re sharing 10 must-have herbs for the witch’s herb cabinet. These herbs have their own characteristics and are excellent in deviations, spells and healing work. They are revealed to the witch through study, meditation, and practice.
Sage is a well-known plant with a sweet and savory aroma. It is one of the most common yet powerful magical herbs that have been used for cleansing, disinfection, protection and banishing for years. This powerful plant was used medicinally in various countries like Egypt, Rome, and Greece. The ancients used to burn dried spring of sage in temples and during religious rituals. In magic, it’s believed that carrying sage in the wallet can attract money and wealth. There are different kinds of sage such as white sage, blue sage, and clary sage. These should never be burned used in smudge sticks, but they can still be used in many great spells and rituals.
Witchcraft Properties:
- Cleansing
- Protection
- Purification
- Wisdom, health and long life
- Exorcism
- Wish magick
- Build emotional strength
- Heal grief
- Banish nightmares
Medical Properties:
- Increases memory
- Ease digestion
- Calm anxiety
- Use it as a skin wash to clear up your complexion, or as a soother for eczema
- Increase mental performance
- Reduces high cholesterol
- Treat cold sores
- Reduces menopausal symptoms
This is an amazing plant that you must have in your witch’s herb cabinet. It smells wonderful and has a strong antiseptic quality. The beauty of lavender is that you can use it for a variety of things, from using it in the magic candle to stuffing it in dream pillows to even bathing in it.
People have been using lavender for purification and healing for centuries. It is such a magical and enchanting plant that smells heavenly and is thrown onto the Midsummer fires by witches as a sacrifice to the ancient gods. Not only lavender is a vastly valued herb for aromatherapy, massage oils, and bath products, but it can also be used for deviations and spells.
Witchcraft Properties
- Cleansing and good luck spells
- Attraction and beauty spells
- Healing and longevity spells
- Love spells
- Banishing harmful spirits
- Increases intelligence
- Promote longevity
- Remove harmful energies from the home
- Used to communicate with spirits and send messages
- Promote clarity of thought and generate visions
Medical Properties
- Help relieve stress
- Help to heal
- Minor burns and bug bites
- Treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, and restlessness
- Help in vomiting, stomach ache, and nausea
- Help relieve pain from toothaches, sprain, and sores
- Prevent hair loss
Lavender Moon - Organic Vegan non GMO deodorant
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera actually been around for ages and is most commonly used as a topical medication. It’s been used to treat various skin and health conditions for thousands of years such as sunburns, dry skin and to fix cellulite or "stretched" skin from pregnancy or weight-loss.
In addition to being a famous house plant, Aloe Vera is a magical herb too. This is also used by many people or magic practitioners to keep evil influence out of the home and wards off accidents.
Witchcraft Properties
- Use to conduct a spell related to protection and luck
- Relieve loneliness
- Attract a lover
- Used to help stimulate spirituality
- Help repel negativity and to prevent accidents in the home
- Banish black and blue bruises
Medical Properties
- Keeps the skin hydrated
- Helps soothe sunburn
- Improve skin and prevent wrinkles
- Give quick relief from pain and burning sensations
- Reduce dental plaque
- Help treat canker and cold sores
- Reduce constipation
- Lower blood sugar levels
The Sage Witch -Vegan, Organic, and Natural face cream, contains aloe-vera.
Also known as manzanilla, chamomile is a popular herb used in several magical rituals and spell workings. Chamomile’s use has been documented as far back as the ancient Kemet. Due to its healing and relaxing properties, it has long been enjoyed as a tea. You can also use it in prosperity spells to bring in more wealth and prosperity.
Witchcraft Properties
- Used by many herbal witches to cause pleasant dreams
- Banish negativity
- Help prevent nightmares
- Attract a lover
- Useful in breaking the curse
- Get rid of negative energies
- Attract wealth and money
- Get yourself calm and centered
Medical Properties
- Help combat stress
- Help promote digestive health
- Calm your anxiety
- Improve heart rate
- Improve sleep quality
- Help control blood sugar
- Help reduce stress and negative feelings
- Prevent certain types of cancer
This magical plant is often cultivated in kitchen gardens and is known as an herb for helping the brain & cleansing and purification of negative energies. Well known to ancient practitioners, this aromatic evergreen herb with needle-like leaves has been used by witches, Ancient Greeks, Christians and more. For magical use and in romantic spells, people burn Rosemarie to rid negative energies, removal; of unwanted scenes, protection, blessing and more.
Witchcraft Properties
- Blessing
- Consecrating
- Fairy magick
- Protection from evil spirits and witches
- Keep burglar from entering
- Love and romance
- Healing and purification
Medical Properties
- Relieving sore throats
- Effective for hair growth
- Clear up your complexion
- A soother for eczema
Mint is a popular herb used in several foods and beverages. There are numerous health benefits of mint leaves which include weight loss, relief from nausea, headache, the flow, and indigestion. In Ancient Egypt, the mint was used to treat and heal a variety of diseases such as menstrual pains, intestinal upset, bad breath and morning sickness, as well as many disorders. There are different kinds of garden mints that you can grow in a garden or on the kitchen windowsill. Besides its number of health benefits, it’s also used in many great spells and rituals.
Witchcraft Properties
- Purification
- Protection
- Promotes energy, communication, and vitality
- Attract money and increase wealth
- Used to break spells, hexes, and jinxes
- Draw good spirits to assist in your magick
Medical Properties
- Soothes an upset stomach
- Improve digestion
- Treats bad breath
- Combats the common cold and flu
- Improve focus
- Prevent nausea
- Reduce stress
- Promote healthy skin and hair
Rose Petals:
Because of its captivating look and sweet fragrance, rose is also called “The Queen of All Flowers”. It induces a sense of miracle, secret, and fascination as it expresses excellence in it. If we talk about the use of rose petals in magical energies, it’s a must-have in every witch’s magical herb collection. Rose petals are believed to be a symbol of love, romance, good luck, and sexual attraction but they are also associated with deviations, spells, and healing. It has been a sacred symbol in many cultures, and a magical herb in several spells and rituals.
Witchcraft Properties
- Attracts love and romance
- Promote sleep and sweet dreams
- Use them in spells for healing
- Use them in glamour spells
- Express happiness and joy
- Use them as offerings to spirits of the dead
- Use them to represent the goddess
Medical Properties
- Get oily skin under control
- Use for a gentle scrub
- Aids in weight loss
- Acts as a natural aphrodisiac
- Relieves stress and depression
- Combat symptoms of piles
- Lightens your lip color
Star Anise:
Also known as Anise Estrella, Star Anise is a favorite mystical herb of witches. It is one of the most visually appealing spices in the world that not only enhance the aroma of your food but plays an important role in various spells and rituals. From using it during dark moon divination to burning it as natural incense to throwing it in the hearth fire, there are a plethora of ways people use star anise in witchcraft.
Witchcraft Properties
- Help instill a sense of productive calm
- Bring good luck
- Protection from the evil eye
- Use to keep the dream of someone far away
- Increase psychic awareness
Medical Properties
- Boost appetite
- Digestion aid
- Gas relief
- Lower the risk of cancer
- Natural flu fighter
- Kills of bacteria

Last but not least; Jasmine is one of the most powerful flowers used in spell work and magic. This sweet-scented flower is famous for its subtle white petals. In the witches’ arsenal, it is used as a dried blossom and as scented oil. If you’re a practitioner of magical tradition, you can use Jasmine in many ways in your rituals and spells.
Witchcraft Properties
- Attract money and prosperity
- Attract beauty, kindness and romance
- Help with divinatory dreams
- Bring happiness and heighten the sexual experience
- Excellent for divination
- Help with psychic readings
- Help encourage sleep
- Protection one who is traveling
Medical Properties
- Enhance mental alertness
- Effective for liver problems
- Effective for stomach pain due to severe diarrhea
- Increase sexual desire
- Treat sunburn, rashes, and headaches
- Treat pain, anxiety, depression, and uterine problems
Live by the sun surrounding mist
So, these are some of the many magical herbs that you can use in spells, in deviations, to dress your candles, and for protection, healing and prosperity. We hope this article clears up some confusion and would help you to find the best magical herbs for your witchcraft practice. Don’t fear and go and buy them today. But first, take your time to understand these herbs and about their unique properties. Go forth, gather a good knowledge about your herbs and may your life be magickal.
This was very helpful info. Didnt know there was so much behind these herbs, thanks for sharing.
This was very helpful info. Didnt know there was so much behind these herbs, thanks for sharing.
@Donna Kohn: white sage is in the Native tradition and going extinct, plus using it as a white person is cultural appropriation.
10? Only read 9. Don’t smudge with sage? Hopefully, your article will be edited? Loved the rest of the information.
10? Only read 9. Don’t smudge with sage? Hopefully, your article will be edited? Loved the rest of the information.